
Chef / cook

Service Category:


Matís wants to hire a cook to work in the staff canteen at Vínlandsleið 12 in Reykjavík.

Area of work

The job involves working in parallel with Matís' cooking to oversee the canteen, which serves breakfast and lunch that is cooked from scratch. Matís places great emphasis on the production of varied, fresh and healthy dishes for staff and guests, but at Matís' headquarters in Reykjavík there are approx. 100 people. Working hours are 8:00 - 14:30.

Qualification requirements

  • Education in the field of cooking and / or very good knowledge of diverse cuisine
  • Experience of cooking in a large kitchen / canteen
  • Neatness and punctuality
  • Initiative and independence in working methods
  • Agility in human relations
  • Ambition to succeed at work
  • Innovation and willingness to develop in work

For further information, please contact Jón H. Arnarson, Human Resources Manager, tel. 422-5000, e-mail: 

The application deadline is August 31, 2014.

Application processing:
All applications are treated as confidential. All applications for advertised jobs will be answered once the job has been hired. General applications are answered within 7 days and are stored for six months. Applicants are asked to resubmit general applications after six months if they wish to remain on the register.