
Matís gives ……… blood!

Service Category:


For some, the Blood Bank car arrived at Matís at Vínlandsleið 12 in Reykjavík. Matís staff received well and almost half of the employees in Reykjavík (28 individuals) donated blood this morning.

  • The blood bank, which is the only specialized institution in its field in the country, accepts the blood of healthy individuals to help the sick.
  • Eligible blood donors are between 18 and 60 years old, over 50 kilos, healthy and drug-free.
  • The blood bank is open every weekday and also has a blood collection vehicle that collects blood in the capital area and in neighboring settlements.

Many people donate blood to the Blood Bank, but the donation is essential for various hospital activities. Then people can fill out a card for an organ donation after death and complete a biography, a document that contains people's wishes regarding the end of life.