
Morning meeting at Matís on biotechnology and related fields and the opening of a new research facility on Vínlandsleið

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A very interesting breakfast meeting on biotechnology and related articles will be held at Matís at Vínlandsleið 12 on Thursday 14 April at 08: 30-10: 30.

There is a great boom in biotechnology and related industries in Iceland and many want to say that the growth point of the future lies there. Matís is in good contact with the food and biotechnology industry, and many of Matís' projects are carried out in collaboration with companies in these sectors.

Now is a good time to present the state of affairs, the future vision and the results of recent years. The meeting will feature presentations from both new and older companies as well as presentations from Matís and the University of Iceland. Companies will also present their activities this morning.

Following the meeting, guests will be invited to view Matís' premises at Vínlandsleið 12 as well as Vínlandsleið 14, where several companies have established themselves and there will be a formal opening of that part of the building on this day. 

Further agenda when the meeting draws to a close.

Admission is free and the morning meeting is open to everyone.

Light refreshments available.

Please confirm your arrival by email at