
Industrial Engineering and Dairy Processing - What do the two have in common?

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On Wednesday 10 November. rather Sigríður Sigurðardóttir lecture his master's project in industrial engineering from the University of Iceland. The project is called Industrial engineering and milk processing.  The lecture will be given in Verin Vísindagörður on Wednesday 10 November at 14:00.

The aim of this project is to investigate how industrial engineering methods can be used to streamline milk processing. The project was carried out for Mjólkursamlag Kaupfélag Skagfirðinga (MKS) and in collaboration with Matís ohf, but the collaboration between the two companies had proved extremely successful in a research project on the processing of milk proteins obtained from whey produced by cheese production. Therefore, there was interest within the association in continuing to collaborate with Matís. In the beginning, many ideas for possible projects were presented to MKS's representatives, as various data are collected during the production and therefore there could be opportunities for optimization in many places. The ideas included an inspection of inventory to streamline operations, an examination of seasonal fluctuations in milk with the aim of increasing profitability and utilization, and an assessment of what equipment and changes are necessary in the production process to produce whey protein from the whey that is produced. the cheese making. Solutions to all these tasks can be obtained using the methods of industrial engineering. But the tasks that were ultimately decided to undertake were the following:

  1. Examination of Samlag's shift schedule
  2. Simulation of cheese production to confirm bottleneck
  3. Design of a control bar to reduce fluctuations in the weight of the final product

The lecture will be given in Verin Vísindagörður, in Sauðárkrókur, and is open to everyone. The project was carried out by Sigríður for the milk cooperative of Kaupfélag Skagfirðingar within Líftæknismiðja Matís in Verin vísindagarðar in Sauðárkrókur in the summer of 2008.

Sigríður's supervisors were Páll Jensson PhD, professor of industrial engineering at the University of Iceland and Sveinn Margeirsson PhD, division manager at Matís.

The representative of the faculty is Gunnar Stefánsson, associate professor of industrial engineering at the University of Iceland.