
Meeting between the business community and the Knowledge Center - Matís participates

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The Knowledge Center of the Westman Islands invites representatives of the business community and the public to an open working meeting on 9 February at 17.00 in Alþýðuhúsið.

The aim of the meeting is to introduce the public and representatives of the business community in the Westman Islands to the activities of the Westman Islands Knowledge Center. Discussion groups will also be set up to discuss ideas for projects and how such ideas can become a reality.

A. Introduction of ÞSV employees to their institution or company
1. Vestmannaeyjar Knowledge Center
2. The research service
3. Matís
4. The Business Development Association

Short break

5. Náttúrustofa
6. Surtseyjarstofa
7. The Marine Research Institute
8. Whisper
9. Iceland Innovation Center

B.      Coffee break, posters and slide show

C.      Discussion groups - Let's strengthen the community through good cooperation
Fisheries and employment
Nature and tourism

Three working groups where ÞSV employees and representatives from the business community lead discussions in each group and set out ideas, goals, proposals, etc. Everyone is free to participate in discussion groups.

At the end of the meeting, a short summary will be presented from each discussion group.

Meeting adjourned.