
Sjafn's speech at the Symposium this morning

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This morning, a seminar was held at the Institute of Public Administration at H.Í. and the Association of Directors of Government Institutions, where the advantages and disadvantages of the public limited company form in public activities were discussed and compared with the traditional form of public administration. Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of IFL and future CEO of Matís ohf was among those who spoke at the seminar.

The seminar was held at the Grand Hotel Reykjavík and the speakers were Arnar Þór Másson, an expert in the Ministry of Finance and Adjunct Professor of Political Science at the University of Iceland, Páll Magnússon, Radio Director and Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of IFL and future CEO of Matís ohf.

Sjafnar's speech was entitled Public limited company publicization advantages and disadvantages and you can view slides from the presentation by click here.