
Projects at IFL presented at the Nordic Nutrition Consulting Days

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From 9 to 12 August, a Nordic conference was held in Iceland under the auspices of the Nordic Dietitians' Association, an association of Nordic nutritionists / consultants. Among the speakers at the conference was Emilía Martinsdóttir, head of department at IFL.  

Emilia presented the project Attitudes and fish consumption of young people: Improving the image of seafood, which began in 2005 and is planned to be completed in 2008. The progress of the project has previously been described on this page, as one of the main purposes of the project is education and promotion with the aim of increasing fish consumption, especially among young people.

Emilia's lecture was delivered in English, like other lectures at the conference, and was entitled Improved image of seafood. Consumer's attitudes and fish consumption. You can read Emilia's lecture, as well as other material from the conference, by click here.