
New IFL employee in Ísafjörður: Jón Gunnar Schram

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At the turn of the month, a new employee, Jón Gunnar Schram, started working at IFL. Jón will work in Ísafjörður and take part in the development of IFL's operations that is currently taking place there, especially in the field of aquaculture.

Jón is an educated teacher from the Iceland University of Education and has worked as a teacher for about a decade, both at primary and secondary school level. Jón has taught both abroad, at Kirkjubæjarklaustur and in Reykjavík, most recently at Hamraskóli.

Jón graduated with an MS in Fisheries from the University of Iceland in 2002. He is a familiar face to many who are interested in fisheries and aquaculture in Iceland, as he has been active in attending conferences in this field in recent years. IFL welcomes Jón to work.