
Is rapeseed meal a good source of feed for salmon?

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AVS recently completed the project "rapeseed meal in feed for salmon 2". The aim of the project was to investigate the effect of the incorporation of rapeseed meal into feed on the growth, feed utilization and chemical content of salmon fillets.

Experiments were made with 5 types of feed with different proportions of mixed rapeseed meal and then standard feed for comparison. The initial weight of the fish was 350 grams and the experiment lasted for eight months, during which time the fish quadrupled in weight. The results of the project were numerous, but it stands to reason that the incorporation of rapeseed meal into salmon growth feed for salmon does not appear to have a measurable negative effect on the growth, feed utilization or meat quality of small salmon.

The final report of the project will be treated as confidential until 1 January 2024, after which time it will be possible to access the report on Matís' website.

For further information, contact Birgir Örn Smárason at Matís
and Ólafur Ingi Sigurgeirsson at Hólar University