
Symposium on the coexistence of humans and microorganisms from skyr to composting

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A seminar on the coexistence of humans and microorganisms from skyr to compost will be held at the National Museum of Iceland on 31 March from 12: 00-13: 30. 

Event program:

  • Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, Professor of Ethnology at the University of Iceland:
    A major project on the coexistence of humans and microorganisms in daily life. 
  • Jón Þór Pétursson, new doctor at the University of Iceland:
    "Mother culture": Skyrgerlar, milking girls and superwomen. 
  • PhD Veera Kinnunen, university lecturer (sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences) University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland:
    Bokashi composting as multispecies waste care. 

The chairman of the meeting is Áki Guðni Karlsson. 

You can follow information about the seminar on the event page on facebook here: Symposium on the coexistence of humans and microorganisms from skyr to composting

The seminar is part of the project SYMBIOSIS - Coexistence of humans and microorganisms in daily life, which Matís has worked on together with the University of Iceland with a grant from the RANNÍS Excellence Fund since 2021.

In this interdisciplinary project, the coexistence of humans and microorganisms in Iceland is studied and the focus is on how this coexistence is shaped in everyday activities then and now. The project examines the creativity of microorganisms in food and daily life; it accompanies them from cultivation, baking, brewing, pickling and brewing, through the digestive system and back into the soil through composting, and it studies the effects of this coexistence on people's physical, mental and social well-being.

Further information about the project can be found on its project page here: SYMBIOSIS coexistence of humans and microorganisms in daily life