
Nordic Salmon workshop

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Nordic Salmon workshop will be held on October 19 at the town hall in Ölfus. The meeting is held in collaboration with Ölfus Cluster in Þorlákshöfn.

This workshop aim is to connect and support a broad range of stakeholders working in the salmon farming industry in the Nordic region, with the focus of exploring options and feasibility for secondary processing. This group includes salmon farms, sales and marketing, technical designers, processing equipment developers, research groups and transport/freight companies.

The objective of the project is to establish a network of specialists to analyze if secondary processing of salmon is a feasible option in the Nordic. The group will then evaluate the viable production scale and list necessary tasks and suggestions to achieve the overall objective.

The original idea behind this project is to use knowledge transfer from the Icelandic fresh cod industry success to the Nordic salmon industry to facilitate valorisation and create jobs in the Nordic countries. By using the future “smart” secondary processing factories and make ready-to-eat production economically feasible, provide added value to the Nordic salmon industry. Filleted salmon and portions will reduce export cost and allows local utilisation and processing of side products that are currently exported, such as cut-offs, bones and heads, as well as reducing the carbon footprint.

Registration has begun!

Register by clicking the register button below:

The workshop will be held in English.

Draft schedule:

08:30 Opening the workshop: Short introduction to the SWOT analysis, Sæmundur Elíasson
08:45 Address, Elliði Vignisson, mayor of Ölfus municipality
09:00-10:30 Session 1Competitiveness in secondary processing in the Nordics

  1. Halldor Thorkelson, Marel
  2. Frank Yri, Seaborn/Iceborn
  3. Per Alfred Holte, Maritech

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee

11:00 – 12:30 Session 2: Marketing and environmental footprint

  1. Ingólfur Friðriksson, EEA affair, Ministry of foreign affairs
  2. Sigurður Pétursson, Nova Food
    1. "Consumer decision making and carbon footprint"
  3. Audun Iversen, Nofima
  4. Jón Hafbo Atlason, Hiddenfjord

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 14:45 Session 3: Side streams production

  1. Matti Isohätälä, Hätälä
  2.  Dennis Lohman, BAADER

14:45 Coffee break

15:15 – 16:00 Discussions and Round up

16:00 Closing

17:00 Refreshments at Lax-inn Mýrargatu 26, 101 Reykjavík