
Do you want to participate in a study of a new face cream?

Service Category:


Do you want to participate in a study on the effects of substances from seaweed on the signs of aging in healthy skin?

The study includes a comparison of elasticity, moisture and sebum in the face before and after about 12 weeks of using a face cream. Half of the participants will receive a cream with ingredients from seaweed, while the other half will receive the same cream without ingredients from seaweed. After the study ends, two 20,000 ISK will be drawn from the group of participants. cash prize.

You can participate if you are:

  • between the ages of 40 and 60
  • with healthy skin and no known underlying skin problems

What do you need to do?

  • Use the face cream twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
  • Do not use other facial creams during the study
  • Visit Matís, Vínlandsleið 12, 113 Reykjavík for measurements three times: before use, after about 6 weeks and about 12 weeks of using the face cream
  • Answer a questionnaire about the experience of the cream after the last measurements

How do you register?

  • Sends an email to Aðalheiðar Ólafsdóttir with the following information:
  • name
  • year of birth
  • email address
  • phone number
  • a short description of what skin care products you regularly use on your face (eg face cream, toner, serum, cleansing products)

The research is part of the MINERVA project, which aims to increase and improve the utilization of sustainably produced macroalgae and develop new valuable products from them. The project is funded by ERA-NET Cofund Blue Bioeconomy and is a joint project of companies, universities and research companies in Ireland, Iceland and Sweden.

More information is sent if there is an interest in participating.