
Matvælið - Matís' launch

Sensory assessment: We try to use people as measuring instruments

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Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Matís' sensory evaluation manager, is an interviewee in a new episode of Matvælin, Matís' podcast about research and innovation in food production.

She discussed everything that is involved in sensory evaluation, why it is important and for whom. She also told stories about the diverse projects she has dealt with as a sensory evaluation manager, from evaluating the softness and smell of face cream to evaluating the boar smell of meat, the properties of protein powder from mangers and the taste and texture of kelp.

The talk is light and fun and extremely informative for those who ponder questions such as:

  • What is sensory evaluation and how is it done?
  • Why is it important to value consumer products?
  • What qualities do sensory evaluation judges at Matís need to have?
  • Who can use Matís' sensory evaluation service?

Listen to the full episode here:

The host is Ísey Dísa Hávarsdóttir