
Do you want to participate in a food event in Denmark in May?

Service Category:


  • Are you interested in food?
  • Do you want to participate in the development of a sustainable food culture?
  • How do you think food in schools should be made healthier and more sustainable?
  • Do you want to meet other young people from the Nordic countries with an interest in food?

What food event is this?

  • Youth madmøde
  • Location: Engestofte Gods in Lolland, Denmark.
  • Date: 30 May 2024
  • The event is divided into three parts: a cooking school, a food camp and a seminar on food in schools.
  • Part of Madens folkemøde which will be held on May 31 -1. June.

What would my role be at the event?

  • Participate in preparing Icelandic dishes/food for tasting
  • Participate in discussions at the forum
  • Travel and subsistence expenses are paid.

Conditions for participation:

  • Be between the ages of 16-18
  • Have an interest in food and cooking
  • Can communicate in English, Danish, Norwegian and/or Swedish

How can I apply to participate?

Submit a short video (about 2-3 minutes, taken on a phone) at and report:

  • Name, age, school/program (if studying).
  • Why you want to join.
  • Whether you have attended courses related to food, eg health, cooking, sustainability.
  • Experience cooking.

Application deadline March 8, 2024.

Answers to applications will be answered no later than March 18, 2024.