Author: admin
Producing products of reliable quality is vitally important to the food and beverage industry. In particular, companies often fail to ensure that the sensory quality of their products remains consistent, leading to the sale of goods which fail to meet the desired specifications or are rejected by the consumer. This book is a practical guide for all those tasked with using sensory analysis for quality control (QC) of food and beverages.
The application of the EPCIS standard for food traceability purposes was tested in this project. The approach used is based on identification of states and events in food production and mapping these events to the EPCIS standard. During this pilot, one day catch of redfish was followed throughout the HB Grandi premises, from catch to packaged items
ready to depart. The catch was tracked by use of RFID and EPCIS software developed in this project. The EPCIS-based traceability system performed well in this pilot and opens up new possibilities for improved internal traceability presentation to other stakeholders in the value chain.
Recent activity has been in the development of quality index method (QIM) schemes suited to individual fish species. Earlier schemes did not take into account the differences among species. To do that, it is necessary to develop one scheme for each species, and the aim when developing QIM for various species is, also, to have the QI increase linearly with storage period of the fish expressed in equivalent days in ice. To develop any new scheme, QIM takes into account the inherent differences among fish species. It is necessary to have some specific knowledge about the fish species, to have on hand two tested and trained sensory panels, a facility to conduct storage experiments under standardized conditions, and to be able to make a statistical validation of the developed QIM scheme.
Food engineering refers to the engineering aspects of food production and processing. Food engineering includes, but is not limited to, the application of agricultural engineering and chemical engineering principles to food materials. Genetic engineering of plants and animals is not normally the work of a food engineer.
Food engineering is a very wide field of activities. Among its domain of knowledge and action are:
Design of machinery and processes to produce foods
Design and implementation of food safety and preservation measures in the production of foods
Biotechnological processes of food production
Choice and design of food packaging materials
Quality control of food production
This new book deals with food engineering research from around the globe.