
Norwegians look to Iceland when it comes to the utilization of fish products

The utilization of extra white fish products, especially cod, in Iceland has attracted deserved attention in Norway.

It is estimated that about a third of the Norwegian catch is discarded at the same time as catch quotas are generally declining and it is therefore urgent for the Norwegian fishing industry to look for ways to fully utilize the catch.

In the latest issue of Norwegian fish processing plants, Norwegian Seafood, An article by Sigurjón Arason, chief engineer at Matís and professor at the University of Iceland, can be found on the success that Icelanders have achieved in value creation and improved utilization of fish. But Matís has played a major role in product development for "extra products" in addition to which the company has contributed to better utilization through education for fish processing companies and small boat owners. Matís has also collaborated well with companies in the field of technical solutions for fish processing with the aim of maximizing utilization.

The article states that Icelandic products such as fish oil, dried cod tongues and various products made from cod liver have attracted attention. After all, products made from canned cod and roe were exported for over 72 million euros or a total of 18,000 tonnes in 2011 and products made from cod heads were exported for 50 million euros in the same year. Matís, in collaboration with companies in Iceland and abroad, has played a major role in the development of many new products that now create export value for Icelanders and are considered by representatives Norwegian Seafood that Norwegians can assimilate much of what Icelanders are doing in this field.

Here you can read the whole article, in Norwegian.

For further information Sigurjón Arason, chief engineer at Matís.


All samples of seafood for human consumption below EU maximum levels

Matís has published an annual report on pollution monitoring in seafood, fish oil and feed. The report presents the results of chemical analyzes of undesirable substances in important marine products, but the project is part of a continuous monitoring project that is funded by the Ministry of Industry and Innovation and has been ongoing since 2003.

In 2012, emphasis was placed on measuring so-called fluorinated alkanes (PFC) and this is the second time that these substances are measured in Icelandic seafood. The following substances were also measured in marine products intended for human consumption as well as products for the fishmeal and flour industries: dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and pointer PCBs, flame retardants (PBDEs), metals and 12 different pesticides (insects and plant toxins). The only PFC substance found was PFOSA in two samples, but the concentration was low. As in previous years of monitoring, small amounts of undesirable substances were generally measured in Icelandic seafood in 2012. Despite the change in maximum levels for dioxins, DL-PCBs and NDL-PCBs (EU Regulation No. 1259/2011), all samples of marine products for human consumption are below maximum levels. EU for persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals.

Undesirable substances in seafood products - results from the Icelandic marine monitoring activities in the year 2012.

The data collected year after year in this project is used to build an increasingly accurate database on the state of Icelandic marine products with regard to pollutants. The report is in English and is accessible on Matís' website so that it can be used by producers, exporters, the government and others to promote the safety and wholesomeness of Icelandic fish products.

The results of measurements of fishmeal and fish oil for feed preparation confirm the need to closely monitor the levels of undesirable substances, not least persistent organic pollutants such as dioxins, PCBs and pesticides in these products at different times of the year. The concentration of the persistent substances depends on the nutritional status of the pelagic fish stocks from which the products are processed and reaches its peak during the spawning season. Previous reports have shown that the levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs as well as individual pesticides stop exceeding the EU's permitted levels. This is especially true for blue whiting products.

The authors of the report are Sophie Jensen, Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Natasa Desnica, Þuríður Ragnarsdóttir and Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir. Project manager is Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir.

For further information Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir.


Conditions for sandeel farming are favorable in Iceland

Sandeel is a highly sought-after fish in European markets and in many respects the conditions for sandeel farming in Iceland are good.

Studies on sandeel feed have been scarce so far, but feed costs typically amount to 50 - 60% of production costs in sandeel farming. Matís has participated in several projects related to sandeel farming under the leadership of Akvaplan Niva in Iceland.

The projects have been supported by the AVS Fund, the Rannís Technology Development Fund and the European Union under the synonym MAXIMUS. Matís' participation has mostly revolved around the best feed in sandeel farming, but in addition, Matís has been involved in genetic research on the Icelandic fish stock.

The research has been carried out in the research facilities of Hólar University in Verin in Sauðárkrókur, Silfurstjörnan in Öxarfjörður and at the company Rodecan in Spain.

In the first study, which was carried out in Verin á Sauðárkrókur, an attempt was made to find the best ratio of protein and fat in growth feed for sandeel. The main results of that study were that it was most cost-effective to use a feed that contained 42.5% protein and 25% fat. At the time of the study, it was common for the protein content of sandeel feed to be 50 - 55% and the fat content to be approx. 12%. These results showed that the cost of raw materials in growth feed could be significantly reduced, or by 12%, and it can be concluded that a change in feed in accordance with these results will reduce the production cost of sand eels by 6%. The results of this study were the basis of Erik Leksnes' master's project and have also been published in an article in a peer-reviewed journal (Aquaculture, 2012, (350-353), 75-81).

In order to determine whether these changes in the feed affected the quality of the production, a sensory evaluation of the products was performed and it was found that when the protein was reduced from 50% to 42.5%, no significant difference was found in the quality of the products. which ends up increasing the mold taste in the product.

The results of this study are currently being tested in a study by the Sandecrop company Rodecan in Spain to verify that the same results as were achieved in the study at Verin can be achieved in large-scale production in a farm.

The next project was to study the reaction of sandeel to the use of different protein raw materials in plant feed with a view to reducing the use of fishmeal. Feed was compared with different fishmeal, where the fishmeal was replaced with a mixture of vegetable flour.

First, screening was carried out in a study at Verin, where feeds with different contents of fishmeal (58%, 46% and 33%) were compared, but instead of the reduction in fishmeal, a mixture of vegetable protein raw materials was used. The results of the study indicated that it was possible to reduce the proportion of fishmeal by 12 percentage points in the feed without it having any effect on growth or feed utilization.

To look at this in more detail, an experiment is currently underway at Silfurstjörnan in Öxarfjörður and more steps in the use of fishmeal are being tested. The results of that study show that 33% fishmeal in feed provides as good growth and feed utilization as feed with a higher fishmeal content. By reducing the share of fishmeal from 58% of the feed to 33%, the cost of raw materials in the feed is reduced by 20% and thus the production cost by 10%.

Feed for all the research was produced by Fóðurverksmiðjan Laxá hf.

The overall result of these studies is that it is possible to significantly reduce the production costs of sandeel farming, by changing the composition of the feed given, without affecting the production or quality of products. Based on current raw material prices, the results show that the production cost can be reduced by 15 - 20 percent compared to using the feed that most sandeel producers are using today.

For further information Jón Árnason project manager at Matís.


UI and Matís join forces to strengthen education in the field of food research and food safety - University of Iceland and Matís ohf. enter into a co-operation agreement

University of Iceland and Matís ohf. made an agreement today on extensive collaboration in the field of teaching and research. Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Rector of the University of Iceland and Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, signed the agreement.

The agreement lays the foundation for further strengthening of theoretical and practical education in the field of food research and food safety, as well as co-operation in other areas of teaching and research. The agreement is an important step in the formal collaboration of Matís ohf. and the University of Iceland on the sharing of resources, research infrastructure and human resources. It includes the intention to be at the forefront of the fields of study covered by the agreement.

At the signing of an agreement at Matís' premises this morning
Friðrik Friðriksson, Chairman of the Board of Matís, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Rector of the University of Iceland, Illugi Gunnarsson, Minister of Education and Culture and Inga Þórsdóttir, President of the University of Iceland School of Health Sciences.

At the same time, a special agreement was made between the Faculty of Food and Nutrition at the University of Iceland and Matís on collaboration in teaching and research.

The University of Iceland and Matís have had a successful collaboration for a long time on teaching, but Matís employees have traditionally taught at the University of Iceland and will continue to do so. Both parties have built up extensive knowledge in food science, biotechnology, genetics and other disciplines. For example, employees who work at both Matís and the University of Iceland have published almost 90 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals in the past. three years and during the same period, 10 students have defended their doctoral dissertations and 15 master's students graduate where the projects have been carried out in collaboration between Matís and the University of Iceland. Today, eight doctoral students and 19 master's students at the University of Iceland are working on their research projects with Matís. In addition, Matís and UI have applied for and are together in several international projects.

It is important to share this knowledge in connection with innovation and increased value creation in food production in Iceland.

Matís is a leader in Iceland in research in the field of food production and food safety. Matís' policy is to strengthen the competitiveness of Icelandic products and the economy, improve public health, ensure food security and sustainable use of the environment through research, innovation and services in the fields of food, biotechnology and genetic engineering. In order to implement its policy, it is necessary for Matís to work in collaboration with the University of Iceland on teaching and training students.

The University of Iceland has formulated a strategy for the year 2016, where emphasis is placed on doctoral studies, excellent research and teaching, as well as emphasis on collaboration with institutions and companies such as Matís ohf. The University of Iceland conducts extensive research and teaching in the fields of study that Matís ohf. deals with, especially at the level of the school's health sciences, engineering and natural sciences.

The main points of the agreement between the University of Iceland and Matís ohf. are:

  • Strengthen the theoretical and practical education of university students in the fields covered by the agreement.
  • Increase research in the fields of food science, food engineering, biotechnology and food safety and also be at the forefront of innovation in these fields.
  • Be a leader in selected fields of expertise and have a professional uniqueness in order to attract students and scholars on an international level.
  • Ensure that the quality of the research of the Parties is comparable to that of the best in the international arena.
  • Utilize opportunities for joint venture of equipment for the benefit of joint projects.
  • Increase the number of undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of study of the agreement.

In addition, the parties will seek to link the activities of the Institute of Research Centers at the University of Iceland and the offices of Matís ohf. outside Reykjavík.

Further information is provided by Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Rector of the University of Iceland and Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís.


Icelandic students in demand abroad

At an open meeting on the importance of long-term research in the food industry, held by Matís in collaboration with PepsiCo, it was stated that large foreign companies, such as PepsiCo., Are starting to look to Iceland in search of food science students to work with them on research.

According to Dr. Gregory Yep of PepsiCo's food industry in general is facing the fact that too few food scientists have graduated in recent years to meet the demand for expertise in the industry. Recordings from the meeting can be found below.

In Iceland, the trend was in the same direction, but with the concerted efforts of Matís and the University of Iceland, the development has been resisted to some extent, but the collaboration has resulted in an ambitious master's program at the University of Iceland. In addition, Matís has invited students at all levels of university to work on research within the company, thus giving students the opportunity to work on real projects in both academic and work-related ways.

The collaboration has resulted in top scientists in the field of food science, and many of them have started working for Matís during and after their studies. There are also many examples of employees and former students at Matís being offered jobs at other companies, due to their knowledge and skills that they acquired in the internship. The results of this collaboration in the form of innovations and value additions for food and food-related products have led to Icelandic food scientists being really in demand, as well as Icelandic ingenuity in the field of food science.

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.

Dr. Gregory L. Yep, Director of Research and Development, PepsiCo.
Dr. Hörður G. Kristinsson, Matís' research director
Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture

More Matís videos can be found at Youtube area Matís.


The black soldier fly in aquaculture?

Matís ohf. in collaboration with Íslenska matorka ehf. and the University of Iceland have started experimental breeding of invertebrates to produce cheap protein for animal feed production. This is the larva of the Black Soldier Fly.

The project is part of increasing the competitiveness of aquaculture in Iceland by using underutilized raw materials and energy to produce cheap quality proteins.

In many places, organic waste and decay are generated, which are sometimes buried with the associated costs, but could be used as food for certain larvae in a natural cycle. The larvae's eggs were imported from experimental breeding partners from Germany.

The flies live at high temperatures and will not be able to thrive outdoors in Iceland due to low temperatures. The biology of the fly is such that the fly itself does not have a mouth and does not feed and is not equipped with any sting that other organisms can sting. The only purpose of an adult fly is to reproduce. The larva is very nutritious and contains about 42% protein and 35% fat which makes it suitable as a feed raw material.

Studies have shown a high appetite in these larvae, but their food intake is in the range of 50-95%. The experiment, which is supervised by Matís' experts, has been underway for more than two weeks, and in short, the larvae have reached the pupal stage, which is the final stage before they are used as feed raw material. But to maintain the cycle, some pupae will be allowed to turn into flies to lay eggs. All this takes place in isolation under controlled conditions. Finally, experiments are underway with the feeding of larval meal on char.

For further information, contact Jón Árnason and Stefán Freyr Björnsson at Matís.


Long-term research - an investment for future growth

Few scientists conceal the importance of long-term research for society as a whole, whether for value creation or public health benefits, for example.

Matís looks to the long term in its research and there are already examples of shoots from Matís that have been established where the foundation was and are long-term research on marine algae. This requires a great deal of time and resourcefulness to be successful, and it is absolutely necessary to secure sufficient funds to cover the costs incurred.

Next Tuesday, June 4, Matís invites to a breakfast meeting at 08:30 at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Hotel where dr. Gregory L. Yep, Director of Research and Development at PepsiCo. hold a lecture together with dr. Herði G. Kristinsson, Matís' research director.


  • 08:30 Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture
  • 08:40 Dr. Hörður G. Kristinsson, Matís' research director
    Investment in knowledge based value creation / Investment for future growth
  • 09:00 Dr. Gregory L. Yep, Director of Research and Development, PepsiCo.
    Food and Beverage Innovation / Innovation in the food industry
  • 09:40 Discussion

    Board of Directors: Svana Helen Björnsdóttir, Chairman of the Board of the Confederation of Icelandic Industries
    (advertisement can be found here)

PepsiCo. does not need to be introduced to anyone, as the company is best known for the Pepsi products themselves, which are sold in Iceland under the Ölgerðin brand. Few people know PepsiCo. manufactures, markets and sells many more products worldwide. Within the PepsiCo band. are product lines such as Tropicana, Quaker Oats, Frito-Lay and Gatorade. The company is the largest of its kind in the United States and the second largest in the world, after Nestlé, which is also in collaboration with Matís.

Every year, PepsiCo products are sold worldwide. to the value of 108 billion dollars, over 13 thousand billion Icelandic kronas, so it was clear that the company is huge and powerful.

Three parties are coming to Iceland from PepsiCo. but the most important should be mentioned dr. Gregory L. Yep, Assistant Director of Research and Development at the company. There is a lot to learn from a company like PepsiCo. and it will be interesting to hear the vision of Dr. Yep is researching and developing global food production, especially now that the debate on food security is raging.

The breakfast meeting will take place as previously stated at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica Hotel, Suðurlandsbraut 2, on Tuesday 4 June at 08: 30-10: 00.

The meeting is open to everyone and admission is free. It is recommended that people arrive on time and have a light breakfast before the meeting.

It is desirable that people register their participation

More information here:


Herði G. Kristinsson, Matís' research director, invited to sit on the European Bioeconomy Council

Matís' director of research was recently invited to sit on the European Bioeconomy Council, but it is a great honor, not only for Matís but also for the Icelandic scientific community. Matís sincerely congratulates Herði.

When we talk about the European bioeconomy, we mean the food industry, feed production, forestry, fisheries, agriculture, aquaculture and the biochemical industry. European countries make great efforts to increase the co-operation of those who produce, manage and utilize organic resources or engage in other activities based on them. This refers to sectors such as food production, fisheries, agriculture, forestry, aquaculture and other related sectors.

It can be very difficult to shed light, in words, on what a bioeconomy is. It can therefore be a good idea to take pictures, as it is well known that a picture is 1000 words long.

Further information on the European bioeconomy and European countries' priorities in this regard can be found at the following websites:


Fisheries innovation - Nordic co-operation

The Nordic Innovation Center, Nordic Innovation, is hosting a conference in Harpa 5-6. June nk. to discuss the Nordic fisheries sector, its status and future.

The conference will discuss, among other things, how the Nordic fisheries sector can maintain its competitive advantage, but will also discuss the 14 projects that have been worked on on these issues under the umbrella of the Nordic Innovation Center.

More information can be found at Nordic Innovation website.


The importance of long-term research in product development - value creation in an international context

Next Tuesday 4 June. a high-ranking member of PepsiCo comes to Iceland to get acquainted with food production in Iceland, give a lecture and visit his partner, Matís.

PepsiCo does not need to be introduced to anyone, as the company is best known for the Pepsi products themselves, which are sold in Iceland under Ölgerðin's brand. Few people know, however, that PepsiCo manufactures, markets and sells many more products worldwide. PepsiCo's product lines include Tropicana, Quaker Oats, Frito-Lay and Gatorade. The company is the largest of its kind in the United States and the second largest in the world, after Nestlé, which is also in collaboration with Matís.

Every year, PepsiCo products are sold for 108 billion dollars, over 13 thousand billion Icelandic kronas, so it is clear that the company is huge and powerful.

Three parties are coming to Iceland from PepsiCo, the most important of which is dr. Gregory L. Yep, Assistant Director of Research and Development at the company. There is a lot to learn from a company like PepsiCo and it will be interesting to hear the vision of Dr. Yep is researching and developing global food production, especially now that the debate on food security is raging.

The breakfast meeting will take place at Hotel Hilton Nordica, Tuesday 4 June at 08: 30-10: 00.

The meeting is open to everyone and admission is free.

It is desirable that people register their participation

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.