
THE PREVENTION AND LIFESTYLE Conference 13 and 14 November

A very interesting conference will take place at the Grand Hotel. Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14. Many of Matís' employees are involved and deliver interesting presentations and / or chair meetings. The program can be accessed at the bottom of the page.

Conference for professionals and the general public.
13.-14. November 2009

PART 1 DISEASES: 9.00-12.30
Moderator: Inga Þórsdóttir.
09.00-09.10 The conference is set.
09.10-09.35 Obesity in children. Erlingur Jóhannsson.
09.35-10.00 Obesity in adults & diabetes. Gunnar Sigurðsson.
10.00-10.25 Cardiovascular disease. Thor Aspelund.
10.25-10.40 Coffee break
10.40-11.05 Dementia. Björn Einarsson.
11.05-11.30 Cancer. Jón Gunnlaugur Jónasson.
11.30-11.55 Digestive diseases. Bjarni Þjóðleifsson.
11.55-12.20 Musculoskeletal problems & bone protection. Björn Guðbjörnsson.

12.20-13.00 Matarhlé

PART 2 RISK FACTORS: 13.30-16.30
Moderator: Halla Skúladóttir. 
13.00-14.00 Heart Disease and Nitric Oxide. Louis Ignarro.
14.00-14.25 Industry. Jón Óttar Ragnarsson.
14.25-14.50 Movement. Janus Guðlaugsson.
14.50-15.15 Smoking & lung diseases. Þórarinn Gíslason.
15.15-15.25 Coffee break
15.25-15.50 Lifestyle. Þórólfur Þórlindsson.
15.50-16.15 Side effects of medicines. Magnús Karl Magnússon.
16.15-16.40 Mental Disorders & Prevention. Högni Óskarsson
16.40-17.05 Dental diseases & prevention. Sigfús Þór Elíasson.


PART 3 SYSTEMS: 10.00-12.30

Seminar A The Icelandic Chemical Environment
Moderator: Dóra Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir.

a. The diet of Icelanders. Inga Þórsdóttir. 
b. Trace minerals in Icelandic soil & food. Laufey Steingrimsdottir.
c. Chemical content of Icelandic food. Ólafur Reykdal.
d. Food control in Iceland today. Jón Gíslason.
e. Toxins in the Icelandic environment & food. Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir.
f. Antibiotics & hormonal drugs in Icelandic food. Sigurður Örn Hansson.

Seminar B Production & development in Iceland
Moderator: Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir

a. Biochemical processing & health materials from the Icelandic ecosystem. Hörður G. Kristinsson.
b. Medicines from the Icelandic ecosystem. Elín Soffía Ólafsdóttir?
c. Genetically modified foods, pros & cons - Einar Mäntylä.
d. Agriculture & horticulture. Magnús Á. Ágústsson.
e. Aquaculture & omega-3. Jón Árnason.
f. Iceland as a health paradise. Grímur Sæmundsen.

12.30-13.00 Matarhlé

PART 4 POLICY: 13.00-14.30
Moderator: Sigurður Guðmundsson.
13.00-13.30 Changed emphases in the health system. Vilmundur Guðnason.
13.30-14.00 New & healthier Iceland. Þorgrímur Þráinsson.
14.00-14.30 Future challenge. Sigmundur Guðbjarnarson.

14.30-14.45 Coffee break.

All original speakers are responsible for the answers together with the following parties:
Lúðvíg Guðmundsson & Hjörtur Gíslason: Dieting measures
Karl Andersen: Preventive measures for heart disease.
Tómas Geirsson tries. Obesity during pregnancy.
Unnur Valdimarsdottir. Cancer & environment.


Book chapters by Matís employees

The book "Improving seafood products for the consumer" was recently published, which discusses, among other things, how people can increase their consumption of fish products.

Matís employees, Emilía Martinsdóttir, Guðjón Þorkelsson, Helene L. Lauzon, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Margrét Geirsdóttir, Ragnar Jóhannsson and Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, Matís' CEO, wrote the book.

A review of the book can be found here.


New regulation on nutrition and health claims: Matís with posts

Within the European Union, a new one has taken effect Regulation on nutrition and health claims in food labeling. It can be expected that the regulation will be incorporated into the EEA Agreement in the coming months.

Until then, Icelandic rules will continue to apply. In Iceland, the ingredients of foodstuffs may only be claimed if they are authorized in the relevant regulations or if a permit for such has been obtained from the Food Administration (

In the run-up to the enactment of this regulation, Matís took part in a Nordic project where the aim was for the Nordic countries to present a common view on what kind of labeling would be allowed as "positive labeling". An opinion poll was conducted among Nordic consumers on health claims, how consumers understand them and on food labeling and how they affect marketing.

Matís conducted the survey in Iceland and interpreted the results as well as holding meetings with stakeholders, representatives of food companies and consumer associations. A peer-reviewed article has now been published which explains the results of the consumer research. The article is called Perception of Health Claims Among Nordic Consumers and is published in the Journal of Consumer Policy and can be accessed here.

For further information Emilia Martinsdóttir.


Some facts about supplements

The market for so-called health products, whether it is dietary supplements, dietary supplements, plant extracts or other, has been expanding in recent years and has become large.

Products are often offered for sale that work as they are said to work in advertisements, but unfortunately it is very often the case that people buy the cat in the sack. Below are statements that are often heard when two or more people come together and discuss these issues.

Vitamin B-12 cures dilution: it is clear that it goes on the B-vitamin reserves with long-term drinking. On the other hand, there is no evidence in science about the positive effects of higher doses of vitamin B-12 on dilution following occasional binge drinking.

Ginseng makes you smarter: there are different types of ginseng that have different effects in some ways. There is nothing in science about whether ginseng makes a person smarter. It is another matter that most types of ginseng have some stimulating effect and when stimulating the central nervous system, including the brain, people may find it smarter.

Sun hat cures flu: sun hat does not cure flu. However, it is very different whether the results of research support that a sun hat can reduce the effects of the flu, as has been claimed with vitamin C. The probability of toxicity due to the consumption of a sun hat is small if the consumption is in accordance with the recommendations, and therefore the consumption of a sun hat can probably not do any harm but the question of whether a sun hat does any good.

Vitamin A improves eyesight: if there is a lack of vitamin A, which is not the case for most Icelanders, then a supplement of vitamin A can improve eyesight. However, vitamin A in the form of retinols (retinol, retinal) can be very harmful in large doses. Therefore, it is important to stay as close as possible to the recommended daily allowance (RDS) and not consume more vitamin A than necessary.

Creatine makes you stronger: creatine is usually in the form of creatine phosphate (CP). Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) is a storehouse of energy in the body. With increased creatine-phosphate intake, we contribute to having more ATP during exercise in short, sharp conflicts (1-10s). Therefore, it is believed that we can improve enthusiasm in short, sharp conflicts if we consume supplements that contain creatine. The results of studies, which have been conducted almost exclusively on men aged 18-35, indicate that consumption is without undesirable side effects for that group. Information regarding other groups is not available and therefore children and adolescents should not consume creatine.

Vitamin C reduces the damage caused by smoking: it is best for the body if people do not smoke. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and can therefore reduce the harmful effects, such as oxygen, on the body's cell membranes. The harmful effects of oxidation are greater in smokers due to cigarette smoke than in non-smokers. It seems that consuming vitamin C, up to 100mg per day, can be helpful in reducing the oxidative harmfulness of smoking. It should be noted, however, that the harmfulness of smoking is not limited to this aspect.

Chromium reduces sugar cravings: Chromium is an important link in the body's insulin response, but insulin has an effect on blood sugar levels, among other things. In people with diabetes, their insulin response may be impaired and it is thought that extra chromium may help them control their blood sugar. Increased consumption of chromium is not considered to contribute to better glycemic control, and therefore sugar cravings, in those with normal glycemic control (ie not having diabetes of any kind).

Vitamin D strengthens bones: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that many people prefer to call hormone-like substances due to its role in the body. Vitamin D affects, among other things, how well we use calcium from our diet. Calcium is important in the structure and maintenance of bones and therefore there are old and new truths that vitamin D and calcium are necessary in adequate amounts to shape and maintain strong bones. Exercise also increases bone strength.

Potassium is a muscle relaxant: potassium (K) plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system and muscles. Potassium, among other things, has a role to play in muscle nerve signaling to relax tightened muscles. Potassium levels are very well controlled in the body and if people on the other hand do not have any diseases that distort the body's potassium balance, including the heart muscle, it is absolutely unnecessary, and in fact undesirable, to consume large amounts of potassium as a dietary supplement. effect

Caffeine is a fat burner: caffeine indirectly stimulates the central nervous system, including the brain. When we stimulate the central nervous system, we are more likely to move and that movement is actually the reason why we burn more energy and thus more fat rather than the direct fat burning effect of caffeine. It should be noted, however, that adverse side effects can accompany the consumption of caffeinated foods and pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding, children and those who are sensitive to caffeine are advised not to consume large amounts of caffeine.

Vitamin E prevents acne: many people consume more vitamin E than the recommended daily allowance in the hope that vitamin E has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease. Regarding acne, the disease is due to other factors (including larger sebaceous glands due to accumulated sebum) and there is nothing in the science of nutrition that supports the hypothesis that vitamin E can prevent acne.

It is important for consumers to realize that much of what is on sale in this country, as well as elsewhere, may be useless, even though consumption does not create any danger if advice on quantity is followed. As consumers, we must be critical of the information provided to us and ask where this information comes from. If it is clear that the information is not supported by scientific evidence and business considerations dictate how the information is presented, then it is desirable that this information be treated with caution. When choosing supplements, dietary supplements, plant extracts and other such substances, it is often a good idea to keep the following in mind:

If the advertised features of a product are too good to be true, they are probably untrue!

For further information, please contact the author, Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.


Fish in Icelandic waters: very little organic pollutants and pesticides

A report has been published from Matís ohf. which is called Undesirable substances in seafood products - results from the monitoring activities in 2007.

The report shows the results of measurements of the amount of toxic pollutants in Icelandic seafood in 2007 and is part of a continuous monitoring project funded by the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture and has been ongoing since 2003. As in previous years of monitoring, the results of 2007 show that an edible part of fish caught in Icelandic waters contains very small amounts of organic pollutants such as dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and pesticides (insecticides and plant toxins), compared to the maximums recognized by European countries. Oil and flour made from blue whiting, however, must be close to or exceed the permissible limits for certain substances.

The data collected year after year in this project is used to build an increasingly accurate database on the state of Icelandic marine products with regard to pollutants. The report is in English and is accessible on Matís' website so that it can be used by producers, exporters, the government and others to promote the safety and wholesomeness of Icelandic fish products.

This report contains a more detailed assessment of heavy metals and a number of other inorganic trace elements in edible parts of fish than has previously been done in Iceland, but Matís has developed more sophisticated equipment for such measurements than before. With this equipment, so-called ICP-MS, it is possible in a relatively simple way to detect a large number of inorganic trace elements with greater accuracy than before. The results of measurements of heavy metals show that the edible part of the fish was always below the EU maximum permitted levels for lead, mercury and cadmium. The results of measurements of the inorganic substances classified as essential trace elements in human food will be used in Matís 'nutrient database, ISGEM, which is accessible on Matís' website, but also to assess the value of fish products as a source of such substances in Icelandic food. As in previous years of monitoring, the results for 2007 show that the edible part of fish caught in Icelandic waters contains very small amounts of organic pollutants such as dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and pesticides (insecticides and plant toxins), compared to the limits set by European countries.

The results of measurements of fishmeal and fish oil for feed preparation confirm the need to closely monitor the levels of persistent organic pollutants such as dioxins, PCBs and pesticides in these products in the spring. The concentration of the substances depends on the nutritional status of the pelagic fish stocks from which the products are processed and reaches its peak during the spawning season. In addition, the levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs as well as individual pesticides stop exceeding the EU's permissible limits. This is especially true for blue whiting products.

The author of the report is Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir and the project manager is Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir.

The report can be accessed here.


Beef, lamb, whale, pork …………?

Matís offers a service that benefits everyone. The services available to companies are well known, but less is known about the services offered to individuals. If you are thinking of buying a dog ………

…… ..wouldn't you spend under 10 thous. kr. and get to know by genetic analysis where the dog comes from? Or do you want to know if the meat you eat is beef, lamb, pork or whale meat? Here is a fun interview on Channel 2's afternoon radio show about the genetic analysis of meat.

Beef that was lamb

Erla Ragnarsdóttir: Yes, we are going to look first…

Linda Blöndal: A little fun.

Erla: Yes, a bit of a fun story. A woman ordered a beef steak at a restaurant that is not in the news. However, she immediately feels that this is not beef and complains but gets little response. The caterer is certain that he is serving beef there. The steak is a beef steak, but the woman does not let herself be told, she is sure that she is eating whale meat and goes hard on the restaurateur and returns the meat. And, of course, the caterer wants a solution.

More here.


An interesting talk about opportunities and threats in charr farming

On 13 and 14 October, a conference was held on charr farming in the Nordic countries, opportunities, opportunities, obstacles, threats and other industry-related issues. Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís, gave a talk.

Sjafnar's talk discussed, among other things, how it would be possible to increase the demand for farmed char and the opportunities that we Icelanders have. Matís can play a major role in the marketing of farmed char with the knowledge that can be found among the company's employees.

Sjafn's message can be accessed here.


MNÍ Food Day 2009

The Icelandic Food and Nutrition Association (MNÍ) is holding an annual Food Day on 15 October. A conference will be held on Icelandic food production and currency creation. Hörður G. Kristinsson from Matís gives an interesting talk: Biomaterials from Icelandic nature - A new source of income

Food production has been of great importance to Icelanders over the centuries and will now play a key role in rebuilding the economy. MNÍ wants to contribute by analyzing food production in Iceland and placing it in an economic context.

The conference will be held at the Grand Hotel by Sigtún in Reykjavík and starts at 1 pm on Thursday 15 October. Seven presentations will be given that provide insight into the ability of food production to support domestic economic activity and generate income for the national economy, while at the same time highlighting the opportunities on the horizon. Participation in the conference must be announced on the MNÍ website, The participation fee is ISK 3,500 and ISK 2,000 for students.

At the conference will be Fjöregg MNÍ delivered but it is awarded for a commendable enterprise in the field of food production and human consumption. The grip is designed and built by Gleri in Bergvík and has been donated by the Confederation of Icelandic Industries since 1993. MNÍ publishes the magazine Food is on the human side with in-depth coverage of food, nutrition and content Food Day each year. The magazine is distributed all over the country.

The program can be found here.


Healthier ready-made meat products - project completed in the Technology Development Fund

The project "Healthier ready-made meat products" is now mostly completed. Matís, under the supervision of Emilía Martinsdóttir, was in charge of the project, which began in 2006.

The aim of this project was to use technical solutions to reduce the salt in processed meat products without changing their consumption quality. 
Project manager was Emilía Martinsdóttir, Matís ohf.

Project title: Healthier ready-made meat productsProject manager: Emilía Martinsdóttir, Matís ohf., emilia.martinsdottir ()
Type of grant: Project grant
Working period: 2 years, started in 2006
Grant: ISK 8,001 million kr.
Supervisor of Rannís: Lýður Skúli Erlendsson
Reference number of the Technology Development Fund: 061356


Consumption of salt (NaCl) is much higher than the recommended daily dose for Icelanders like many European nations. Food consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the hygiene and labeling of food, and supermarket chains abroad are beginning to take this into account in their supply. In addition to giving food a sought-after taste, salt is part of the action of food and affects shelf life. The aim of this project was to use technical solutions to reduce the salt in processed meat products without changing their consumption quality. 

The public health goals are for women to consume less than 6 g / d of salt and men for 7 g / d, which corresponds to 2.4 and 2.8 g / d of sodium (Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2004 - Integrating nutrition and physical activity. 4th edition. Nord 2004: 13, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 2004). In 2002, the average daily dose for Icelandic men was 10 g NaCl / d than for women. 7 g NaCl / d. In order to reduce the use of salt, it is important to reduce the salt in processed foods, bread, meat and fish. Salt (sodium chloride) plays an important role in many processed foods and therefore its use is not easy to reduce without changing the properties of the food. Salt affects the taste, inhibits microbial growth and has a significant effect on the texture and binding of other substances.

The aim of the project "Healthier meat products" was to develop healthier ready-made meat products with less salt and hard fat with the aim of slowing down the development of cardiovascular disease and promoting less obesity among the general public. The project was part of the ERA-SME program "Food for better human health" in collaboration with Spanish parties. The Icelandic part of the project was carried out by Norðlenska ehf., Matvælarannsóknir Íslands ohf. and the Laboratory of Nutrition. The Spanish partners were the consulting company Eurocatering Food Service, SL, the meat processing company Cádido Míró and the technology development agency AINIA in Valencia. In this project, various ways were sought to produce processed salt and fat-reduced meat products, and prototypes of fat- and salt-reduced products were produced by the company Norðlenska. The products were chemically analyzed and sensory evaluation was performed to investigate the effects on the taste, smell and texture of the new products. Extensive consumer surveys were also conducted to find out how consumers liked the new products. Finally, a survey was conducted among consumers of foods with less salt and less fat. The effect of labeling on meat products where less salt and less fat were labeled on the product was also examined.  

The project succeeded in producing fat- and salt-reduced products from three product categories: new meat products, pre-fried meat products and cold cuts. Fat- and salt-reduced meatballs are ready for the market. The new product received very good reviews from consumers and liked even better than the product that was on the market. The other two products have come a long way in product development and the company now has the knowledge and experience to complete that product development and continue with the development of such products. The company should be able to launch a new product line with healthier processed meat products when market conditions are right. The results of an opinion poll among consumers indicate that consumers are interested in low-fat meat products and most would buy the product if it were available. In order to appeal to consumers, however, low-fat meat products need to be compared to the standard ones in quality. The purpose of the intervention study was to investigate whether low-fat and / or salt-reduced processed meat products can be part of a health-enhancing diet among men aged 40 to 60 years. For three weeks, participants were asked to follow a low-energy diet, which responded to a 30% energy reduction based on basic energy needs. To do this, they received custom menus. Significant, positive health effects were observed in participants during the study. The results of the study show that the consumption of processed fat and salt-reduced meat products does not prevent positive health changes from occurring while following a diet, energy-reduced by 30% based on basic energy requirements.

List of project results, as well as reports, articles and manuscripts.

Production process for fat and salt-reduced products from three product categories: new meat products, pre-fried meat products and cold cuts.

Matís consumer test in product development and marketing process for services that will be offered to Icelandic food producers (TasteNet).

  1. How can meat products be made healthier? Ólafur Reykdal, Matís
  2. Report on the health effects of salt and fat reduction in meat products from Norðlenska, Atli Arnarson, Alfons Ramel. RÍN 
  3. Experimental report on the development of prototypes at Norðlenski. Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Emilía Martinsdóttir. June 2008 MATÍS
  4. Report on product development of healthier meat products. MATÍS report no. 25-09. Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Ólafur Reykdal, Óli Þór Hilmarsson, Gunnþórunn EInarsdóttir, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Þóra Valsdóttir, Emilia Martinsdóttir and Guðjón þorkelsson, August 2009
  5. Healthier meat products. Intervention study report. Intervention by Atli Arnarsson and Alfons Ramel, RÍN, August 2009

Expected impressions: 

The attitudes of Icelandic consumers towards healthier Icelandic meat products are published in Icelandic magazines such as Bændablaðið.

The results of RÍN's intervention research will be part of a scientific article.


A significant addition to the traditional fishing industry

Research in the field of biotechnology and biochemistry can lead to the possibility of extracting great value from by-products in the fishing industry and other seafood.

Recently, a very interesting interview was published with Hörður G. Kristinsson, division manager at Matís.

The interview is published in Fiskifréttir and can be seen in its entirety here.