
Effects of chitosan fiber on intestinal flora and weight management


Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir

Project Manager

Matís, in collaboration with Reykjalund Rehabilitation Institute SÍBS, the University of Iceland and Primex ehf. has received a 45 million grant from the Rannís Technology Development Fund to study the effects of lifestyle changes with and without the intake of the fibrous substance chitosan on the intestinal flora. The name of the project is MicroFIBERgut.

Matís, in collaboration with Reykjalund Rehabilitation Institute SÍBS, the University of Iceland and Primex ehf. has received a 45 million grant from the Rannís Technology Development Fund to study the effects of lifestyle changes with and without the intake of the fibrous substance chitosan on the intestinal flora. The name of the project is MicroFIBERgut.

Obesity is one of the most serious health problems today, with diabetes, cardiovascular disease being common complications. The benefits of treating obesity are therefore obvious. Chitosan fibers made from shrimp shells bind fat in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce its absorption. There is evidence that chitosan has a beneficial effect on digestion and intestinal flora. The goal of MicroFIBERgut is to gain a better understanding of whether and how chitosan affects a person's digestion, weight and health. The effects of different treatments (lifestyle changes or unchanged lifestyle with and without chitosan intake) on various health-related variables in two different populations will be investigated, on the one hand patients in the treatment of obesity or rheumatism in Reykjalundur and on the other hand a healthy control group. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis of intestinal flora, as a number of studies have shown that microorganisms affect health and the development of diseases. With a holistic and new approach, the project will increase knowledge for the development of new products and services for health improvement.

Project manager MicroFIBERgut is Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir but the person responsible for the project at Reykjalundur is Marta Guðjónsdóttir.

The research group at a "kick-off" meeting on September 3, 2019. Counted from left: Hildur, Viggó, Alexandra, Marta, Hélène and Sigurlaug. Missing from the picture are Ingólf and Hjördís from Reykjalundur, Þórhall from H.Í. and Stephen from Matís.


Presentations from an educational meeting on food fraud accessible

An educational meeting on food fraud that Matís and Matvælastofnun held last Tuesday was a success and attracted a lot of attention. The slide presentations from the meeting can now be accessed.

Information about the meeting and agenda can be found here in Matís news. The slide presentations can also be accessed below:

Brief about Eu Food fraud network and introduction of the Nordic Food fraud project 2018-2020
Herdís Maríanne Guðjónsdóttir, MAST

Implementing a Country- or Regional-Level Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment (FFVA) and Food Fraud Prevention Strategy (FFPS).
Roy Fenoff, PhD Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the Citadel and research collaborator with the Michigan State University's Food Fraud Initiative.

Species substitution in the seafood industry
Jónas R. Viðarsson, Matís

The fight against food fraud in Europe - EU coordinated actions
Rúnar I. Tryggvason, MAST

Food fraud and its challenges in food supplements: Do we need more awareness in an increasing e-commerce world!
Zulema Sullca Porta, MAST

Recordings and interviews:

Recording of an educational meeting about food fraud - first part

Recording of an educational meeting about food fraud - second part

Interview with Jónas R. Viðarsson, director of MATÍS and Herdís M. Guðjónsdóttir, specialist at the Food Administration - The human element on Channel 2

Interview with Jónas R. Viðarsson, director of MATÍS and Herdís M. Guðjónsdóttir, specialist at Matvælastofnun - Síðdegisútvarpið on Channel 2


Virtual reality in Varmahlíð

Matís took part in the conference Digi2Market during the days that the Association of Local Authorities in the Northwest (SSNV) held in Varmahlíð. Holly T. Kristinsson introduced Matís and the FutureKitchen project, which is funded by EIT Food and is about using virtual reality to connect the public better with the food we eat and the latest technology and science related to food.

After the presentation, participants were allowed to enter the world of horticulture in Iceland, where it is shown how tomatoes and other vegetables are grown indoors during the winter. Visitors also had the opportunity to step into Icelandic high-tech fish processing and observe the processing of products that ended up in food printers. The videos can be found here and can be watched on a regular screen, or in virtual reality glasses.

3D printed seafood

Icelandic tomatoes - 3D video

Objectives Digi2Market The project that SSNV manages includes utilizing innovations in digital marketing and sales software for small and medium-sized companies located far from the market and assisting them in utilizing digital opportunities for sales and marketing. There will be a collaboration between SSNV and Matís where Matís' knowledge of how virtual reality can be used to reach and educate the public will be used.


Applicants for the position of CEO of Matís

Deadline for applications for the position of CEO of Matís ohf. expired yesterday. A total of nine applications were received.

Below is a list of applicants for the position of CEO of Matís:

Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir
Berglind Ólafsdóttir
Bjarni Ó Halldórsson
Guðmundur Stefánsson
Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir
Oddur Már Gunnarsson
Richard Kristinsson
Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir
Steinar Sigurðsson


Master's defense in food science - Utilization of by-products from salmon processing

Zhihao Liu, a master's student in food science, gives an open lecture in connection with his master's defense of the project "Utilization of by-products from salmon processing - Analysis of the chemical composition and stability of salmon heads".

The lecture will take place on Tuesday 24 September at 15:30 in room V14-Laki at Matís at Vínlandsleið 14. All interested parties are welcome!


Northland visited home


Sæmundur Elíasson

Project Manager

Last Thursday, September 19, several employees and managers of Matís visited companies and the University of Akureyri.

They were Oddur M. Gunnarsson, acting CEO, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, division manager, Jón Árnason, Wolfgang Koppe and Sæmundur Elíasson. They were also accompanied by Sigmundur E. Ófeigsson, managing director of Atvinnuþróunarfélag Eyjafjarðar and board member of Matís.

 The group inspected a house in Hjalteyri where extensive halibut farming was run until 2012. There they talked to Arnar Frey Jónsson, an employee of Samherji, who worked with halibut farming at the time and also Snorra Finnlaugsson, mayor of Hörgársveit. 

Next was the road to the Laxá feed factory in Krossanes, where they chatted with Gunnar Örn Kristjánsson, the manager of Laxá, and discussed the state of farming and feed production in Iceland. 

At lunch, a meeting was held at the University of Akureyri with Eyjólfur Guðmundsson, Rector, and Rannveiga Björnsdóttir. Finally, the road lay to Slippinn in Akureyri where they met Ásþór Sigurgeirsson and the managing director Eirík S. Jóhannsson. Ásþór led the group around the area and to the ships that are currently in Slipp, among them the new Herjólfur and Vestmannaey.


Matís provided an insight into the "prumpklefa" on Channel 2's morning broadcast

Ásta Heiðrún Pétursdóttir, Matís' specialist, was interviewed on Channel 2's Morgunútvarp, about the SeaCH4NGE project, which examines whether the addition of algae in cow feed affects their methane emissions.

Matís works with partners on SeaCH4NGE, which is funded by EIT Food but the project is entitled: Use of seaweed to reduce methane gas from cows - A way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.

The project deals with the screening of a number of algae, including Icelandic algae, for their effectiveness in reducing methane emissions from cows.

This activity is measured both in test tubes at the University of Hohenheim Germany and it will also be measured in cows at the University of Reading in the UK, where all the equipment needed for the job is available - or as Hulda Geirsdóttir called the equipment: "prumpklefa". It would be more correct, however, to call them "batch chambers" where the methane emission of cows is mostly through bumps and not wind.

The algae also undergo extensive chemical research at Matís in terms of chemical content; ma mt.t. nutrients, heavy metals and minerals, as it is important to know exactly what the cows are ingesting.

The interview on Channel 2's Morgunútvarp can be played here, it starts at 0:48:18 min
but it will also be possible to ask and learn about the project at Rannís Science Week on Saturday 28 September in Laugardalshöll at 15-20.

In the latest issue Bændablaðið You can also find a detailed discussion of the project.


Educational meeting on food fraud

On Tuesday 24 September, Matvælastofnun and Matís will hold an educational meeting on food fraud. The meeting will be held in Matís' hall at Vínlandsleið 12 in Reykjavík. The meeting starts at 13:00 and is open to anyone interested in the topic.

The training session is part of a three-year Nordic project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Representatives of the Food Inspectorate of the Health Inspectorate, employees of the Food Administration, employees of Matís, as well as representatives from the Office of the Director of Customs and the National Police are specially invited to the meeting.

All the Nordic countries, with the exception of Finland, are involved in this Nordic food fraud project. This project aims to define a common interpretation of food fraud and to establish Nordic cross-border food fraud. Education will be provided to those regulators involved in the fight against food fraud. The aim is to have a final report by the end of the project, which contains a common Nordic definition of food fraud and to state what has been achieved in each country in the project.

As mentioned before, the meeting is open to everyone, but those who intend to attend the meeting are asked to register by sending an e-mail to

The meeting will be streamed live on Matís' Facebook page.

The agenda of the meeting is as follows:

Brief about Eu Food fraud network and introduction of the Nordic Food fraud project 2018-2020

Herdís Maríanne Guðjónsdóttir, MAST

Implementing a Country- or Regional-Level Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment (FFVA) and Food Fraud Prevention Strategy (FFPS).

Roy Fenoff, PhD Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the Citadel and research collaborator with the Michigan State University's Food Fraud Initiative.

Species substitution in the seafood industry

Jónas R. Viðarsson, Matís


The fight against food fraud in Europe - EU coordinated actions

Rúnar I. Tryggvason, MAST

Food fraud and its challenges in food supplements: Do we need more awareness in an increasing e-commerce world!

Zulema Sullca Porta, MAST


Fun information about food traditions, local consumption and sustainability, for primary and lower secondary schools and kindergartens


Rakel Halldórsdóttir


Domestic food traditions and the origin of food are often unclear to children today as the connection from pasture to stomach is less clear than before. Consumption of the local environment also needs to be raised and interest in the utilization of raw materials and natural products from one's own environment needs to be stimulated. Children are the future and create a fun driving force for innovation and a healthy lifestyle in the spirit of the United Nations' Global Goals for the Sustainability of World Communities. The project KRAKKAR KOKKA is designed by Matís with the support of Matarauð Íslands at the Ministry of Industry and Innovation.

The project is based on the idea of entertainers and aims to strengthen children's knowledge and awareness of regional Icelandic primary food production and the generous Icelandic nature and its connection to food acquisition, through play and education. The project also emphasizes a discussion on responsible consumption where respect is given to nature and those who feed the nation, sustainable production methods, animal and human conditions and environmental considerations.

Health and well-being on the one hand and sustainability on the other are among the six basic elements of education according to the National Curriculum Guide for both primary and lower secondary schools. According to the National Curriculum Guide, the six basic elements revolve around "… On literacy in society, culture, environment and nature so that children and young people learn to build up mentally and physically, to save oneself in society and work with others. The basics revolve around also about the future vision and ability and willingness to influence and take an active part in maintaining, changing its community and develop it. ” KIDS KOKKA is designed with the aim that primary and lower secondary schools can easily and effectively use play and education through play and education as the only way to achieve these goals.

In short, the implementation of the project involves the children learning about the world goals of the United Nations, food traditions and the resources of their own region. Then the children go on a field trip to gather raw materials in the wild and / or to a primary producer in the area. The children then cook from the raw material that was picked up and finally consume the food. Part of the project involves the school in question making a short documentary about its implementation, which will be accessible to everyone for information on Matís' website at, but the purpose is for children all over the country to learn in a live way about food traditions and resources in other parts of the country. by watching videos from other schools. The children, with the help of teachers or others, are involved in making the videos themselves. Thus, part of the project is that children educate children through entertainment in a medium that children use a lot today, about important issues in life and the present and the future. At the end of the project, the children answer an opinion poll on the progress of the project, where information about its success will be collected.

The video of the primary school east of the lakes in Skagafjörður about the implementation of the project can be seen here:


Conference on the monitoring of biological diversity with environmental DNA


Davíð Gíslason

Project Manager

A conference on new methodologies in conservation biology that uses environmental DNA to assess biodiversity in ecosystems will be held on 2 and 3 October in the meeting room of the Marine Research Institute. This technology helps to overcome some of the shortcomings of other methods and offers a quick and inexpensive way to assess the biological diversity of the ocean.

The origin of eDNA in the ocean is various, but usually the DNA from the organisms comes from skin cells, mucus, eggs, eggs or faeces. Seawater is collected at different depths in the areas under study and the sea is then filtered. The filter contains DNA from organisms that can be analyzed by sequencing technology. Monitoring biodiversity with environmental DNA has many advantages over other methods and the method has proven successful in assessing biodiversity in many ecosystems.

At the conference, Icelandic and foreign experts will present research samples and discuss methods for using the DNA environment to measure and monitor biodiversity.

The conference will be held in the meeting room of the Marine Research Institute from 2 to 3 October 2019 and is open. Registration is a prerequisite for participation.

The conference is sponsored by Ag-Fisk and organized by Davíð Gíslason at Matís and Christopher Pampoulie at the Marine Research Institute.