Matís, in collaboration with Reykjalund Rehabilitation Institute SÍBS, the University of Iceland and Primex ehf. has received a 45 million grant from the Rannís Technology Development Fund to study the effects of lifestyle changes with and without the intake of the fibrous substance chitosan on the intestinal flora. The name of the project is MicroFIBERgut.
Matís, in collaboration with Reykjalund Rehabilitation Institute SÍBS, the University of Iceland and Primex ehf. has received a 45 million grant from the Rannís Technology Development Fund to study the effects of lifestyle changes with and without the intake of the fibrous substance chitosan on the intestinal flora. The name of the project is MicroFIBERgut.
Obesity is one of the most serious health problems today, with diabetes, cardiovascular disease being common complications. The benefits of treating obesity are therefore obvious. Chitosan fibers made from shrimp shells bind fat in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce its absorption. There is evidence that chitosan has a beneficial effect on digestion and intestinal flora. The goal of MicroFIBERgut is to gain a better understanding of whether and how chitosan affects a person's digestion, weight and health. The effects of different treatments (lifestyle changes or unchanged lifestyle with and without chitosan intake) on various health-related variables in two different populations will be investigated, on the one hand patients in the treatment of obesity or rheumatism in Reykjalundur and on the other hand a healthy control group. Emphasis will be placed on the analysis of intestinal flora, as a number of studies have shown that microorganisms affect health and the development of diseases. With a holistic and new approach, the project will increase knowledge for the development of new products and services for health improvement.
Project manager MicroFIBERgut is Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir but the person responsible for the project at Reykjalundur is Marta Guðjónsdóttir.

The research group at a "kick-off" meeting on September 3, 2019. Counted from left: Hildur, Viggó, Alexandra, Marta, Hélène and Sigurlaug. Missing from the picture are Ingólf and Hjördís from Reykjalundur, Þórhall from H.Í. and Stephen from Matís.