Fish in fish oil is one of the quality measurements in raw fish oil for the export of fish oil and has been measured at Matís and previously IFL (Rannsóknastofnun fiskiðnaðarins) for more than 40 years. The old measurement was based on distillation with toluene and the measurement took 2-3 hours in total, but toluene is a dizzying substance both dangerous to human health and the environment and therefore a lot of work to get rid of this measurement.
Last year, another method was introduced that is faster and works in a closed system where employees do not have to deal with hazardous substances. This is Karl-Fisher titration with automatic titration (see picture). The measurement takes much less time and is less dangerous for both staff and the environment, in addition to which it is part of the automation of the laboratory. It is possible to recommend much greater accuracy than before and greater sensitivity. It is also possible to measure in liquids other than fish oil with this device and this is usually the case if desired water is not measured in large quantities. The measurement is best suited for measuring water levels from 0.1%-1%.
Knowledge and communication are an integral part of innovation and added value. The amount of value per kilogram of each piece of information yields is invaluable because it can easily be stated that without knowledge and know-how, no value will be created.
We at Matís have made a significant contribution when it comes to education in food science and product processing, and now another handbook is published, this time full of information about layer processing and layer products. Matís funded the preparation of the handbook with support from the AVS Fisheries Research Fund. In this context, it is worth pointing out that Ora hf, Akraborgin ehf and Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör contributed to making the best use of the manual for layered companies.
Layered products are in many respects technically complex products and therefore need a really good understanding of the importance of the processing components so that there is no danger to consumers. To achieve this long shelf life of laminate products, nothing can go wrong, for example the importance of factors such as the closing of cans, the welding itself, temperature and time, sterilization, preservation and cooling when appropriate, and so on. No discount should be given in the production of these products because small deviations can have very dramatic consequences.
Páll Gunnar Pálsson, the author of the material, worked for many years as a quality and production manager at the Norðurstjörn canning factory in Hafnarfjörður, but this is the seventh handbook that Páll Gunnar has compiled. They can all be accessed free of charge on Matís' website.
It was invaluable to get Einar Þór Lárusson, an expert at ORA, to be part of this project to share his vast experience and knowledge. But Einar Lárusson has worked in lagmetis and fish processing companies for decades in production, but last but not least in various product development and innovation projects.
The Lagmetish handbook, which is the latest copy in Matís' library, can be accessed here . The Lagmetish handbook was funded by Matís, with support AVS Fisheries Research Fund.
Icelandic seafood contains an insignificant amount of undesirable substances - but scientific data on undesirable substances in Icelandic seafood are a key factor in demonstrating the status of Icelandic seafood, e.g. safety and health.
It's out Matís report summarizing the results of continuous monitoring of undesirable substances in seafood from the 2018 resource.
The monitoring began in 2003 with the help of the then Ministry of Fisheries, the current Ministry of Industry and Innovation, and Matís was responsible for collecting data and publishing reports for this systematic monitoring during the period 2003-2012.
Due to lack of funds, this important data collection was suspended as well as the publication of results in the period 2013-2016. The project resumed in March 2017, but due to a lack of funds, it now only covers the monitoring of undesirable substances in edible seafood from the resource intended for human consumption, and not fishmeal and fish oil for feed. For the same reason, no chemical analyzes were performed on PAH, PBDE and PFC substances this time.
The aim of the project is to demonstrate the position of Icelandic seafood in terms of safety and health and to use the data in the risk assessment of food to ensure the interests of consumers and public health. The project builds a knowledge base on the amount of undesirable substances in economically important species and marine products, it is defined as a long-term project where expansion and revision is constantly necessary.
High quality and well defined Scientific data on undesirable substances in Icelandic seafood are key factors in demonstrating the status of Icelandic seafood, including safety and health. The export of Icelandic food depends on being able to demonstrate their safety, taking into account laws, regulations and market requirements. Scientific data from independent researchers is also important in market presentations of seafood for potential buyers and strengthens all marketing work for Icelandic seafood. The data are also used for risk assessment of food and to influence the setting of maximum levels for contaminants in food.
This time, 18 samples of seafood were taken from the resource, for the first time samples of kingfisher and sea otters were taken, also 2 samples of shrimp and 1 of cod were taken as well as 13 samples of traditional edible fish.
In general, the results obtained in 2018 were in line with previous results from 2003 to 2012 as well as 2017. The results showed that Icelandic seafood products generally contain insignificant amounts of persistent organic pollutants such as dioxins, PCBs and pesticides.
In this report, the maximum levels of the European Union (EU) for dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) and non-dioxin-like PCBs (NDL-PCBs) in food were according to Regulation no. 1259/2011 used to assess how Icelandic seafood meets EU requirements. The results for 2018 show that all samples of seafood for human consumption were well below the EU maximum values for persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals. The concentration of so-called ICES6-PCBs turned out to be low in edible parts of seafood, compared to the EU maximum value according to Regulation no. 1259/2011. The results also showed that the concentration of heavy metals, such as cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in Icelandic seafood was always below the EU maximum values.
A new agreement has been reached on the continuation of the collaboration between Matís and the Municipality of Hornafjörður. It includes a collaboration on the operation of Matarsmiðja Sveitarfélagsins Hornafjarðar and Matís - Matarsmiðjan - development and teaching in connection with small food production.
Matís has handed over to the municipality of Hornafjörður the equipment that was in the food factory and the municipality has taken over the operation of Matarsmiðjan which has been moved by Álaleira to a building by Höfnin at Heppuvegur 6. The house is owned by Sláturfélag Búi, but it is considered more suitable for the operation.
The purpose of the new agreement is:
Increased innovation and operability in the processing and sale of food.
To ensure that small producers and entrepreneurs have access to a food factory, which enables them to develop and produce food in adequate housing and with appropriate equipment.
To increase work capacity and innovation in food processing and sales.
To promote food crafts in Iceland.
To offer domestic and foreign partners to use the facilities at Höfn in their projects.
Strengthen the knowledge of small producers in the area through education and courses.
The municipality has also agreed with Nýheimar Þekkingasetur on the management of orders, etc., but orders and requests for the use of Matarsmiðjan should be sent to the e-mail address
Matís aims for continued collaboration with entrepreneurs and stakeholders within the municipality of Hornafjörður on new terms, as stated in the agreement recently signed by Oddur Már Gunnarsson, acting CEO of Matís and Matthildur Ásmundardóttir, Mayor of the Municipality of Hornafjörður.
ERA-NET Cofund Blue Bioeconomy - Unlocking the Potential of Aquatic Bioresources (BlueBio) is a network of 16 European nations to strengthen cooperation and promote research and innovation in the blue bioeconomy and Iceland is a member of the network through Rannís.
BlueBio ERA-NET advertises for forum applications in the following areas of focus:
Priority area 1: Exploring new bio-resources
Priority area 2: Exploring improvements in fisheries and aquaculture
Priority area 3: Exploring synergies across sectors
Priority area 4: Exploring Biotechnology and ICT
The application process is two-step. In the first step, a pre-application is submitted. Those applications that pass the assessment at the first stage are invited to submit an application at the second stage.
The deadline for submitting pre-applications is March 17, 2019.
Product fraud in the food trade is a major global problem and seafood is one of the most cheated foods. Research indicates, among other things, that species fraud occurs in about a third of marine products sold in many of our main trading partners. It is therefore clear that this is a matter of great interest to Icelandic producers, as Icelandic seafood is in competition with "counterfeit foods", in addition to which "counterfeit foods" are possibly sold as Icelandic production.
The fifth conference in connection with the FoodIntegrity project was held in Nantes, France in mid-November. The conference presented the latest research and solutions to tackle food fraud. There were over 300 participants, from 40 countries. The program consisted of 57 presentations, two workshops and one discussion meeting.
Matís is a participant in the FoodIntegrity project and in the part of the conference that dealt with food fraud in connection with seafood, Matís played a key role. It examined in particular the nature of such frauds, how the frauds take place, how large they are and how they can be detected and detected.
It is clear that fraud with seafood is a big problem, but research has shown that type fraud with seafood is up to 30%. It is also considered food fraud when fish is sold under a false flag, including catch from pirate fishing, if forced labor is carried out during production and where hygiene / food safety requirements are not observed.
A matter of great interest to Iceland
Food fraud in marine products is of great interest to Icelandic producers as Icelandic production is in competition with "counterfeit food" and in addition "counterfeit food" is possibly sold as Icelandic production.
In connection with the FoodIntegrity project, a survey was carried out across Europe, where a number of restaurants were visited and samples were taken for species analysis, with genetic analysis. The results came as a bit of a surprise, but the Icelandic restaurants that were included in the sample did not do well. The results of this survey can be seen here.
The FoodIntegrity project is now complete and the results of the project will be crucial in dealing with food fraud in the future. Many nations within the EU have taken the issue seriously and have set up monitoring units focused on the fight against fraud in the food sector. One of the main contributions of the FoodIntegrity project in that fight are databases where you can get information about food fraud and what tools and equipment are available to detect such fraud. In addition, a special has been released manual and scripts.
The FoodIntegrity project is a good example of how international research collaboration, of which Matís is a part, has enabled Icelanders to participate in research and development that is of significant importance to Icelandic interests and Icelandic society.
Icelanders have succeeded in following a centuries-old decision and maintaining a free and sovereign state here. Verstöðin Ísland has strengthened over the past century, a development that began with the mechanization of the fishing industry at the beginning of the 20th century. The average cod catch from 1918 to 2017 was just over 238 thousand tonnes per year. At the same time, the proportion of cod from the ¾ total catch of Icelanders decreased to 21%, but the total catch has increased from 98 thousand tonnes to 1176 thousand tonnes due to fishing for other stocks in parallel with increased capacity and improved technology. On average, cod have been around 26% of landed catch in the so-called restaurant. Cod is still the most important species we catch, about 44% of the value of landed catch in 2017 is due to cod fishing. At the time of the establishment of the sovereignty, the share of cod in the total catch value was close to 78%. The Icelandic fisheries sector is diverse and has developed with each step that has been taken. It is hoped that we will learn from history and be able to take more but fewer positive steps in the future.
New direction - new thinking
On the thirtieth anniversary of Iceland's sovereignty, Icelanders decided to make scientific knowledge the basis for fisheries management in Icelandic waters. Less than three decades later, Icelanders had unchallenged control of the 200-mile economic zone around the country. Around the same time, it gradually dawned on us that the fishing capacity of our fishing vessels was beyond what the fish stocks could carry, and therefore the fishing capacity of the vessel and the fishing capacity of the fish stocks had to be adjusted. Demands on the markets are that the utilization of fish stocks is sustainable, that we do not go closer to the resources than they can handle.
We Icelanders set a policy, based on the prevailing fisheries management system in 2003, to increase the value of seafood rather than increase the amount of seafood. Growing demands, as well as a willingness to show responsibility in the management of marine resources, played a part in the decision-making process. We followed it up with an increased emphasis on practical research and development work with the aim of increasing value. A major step in that direction was the establishment of an AVS research fund in the fisheries sector. Various collaborative projects were carried out to advance for the benefit of the whole, so that the outcome of individual projects could contribute to improving the interests of all Icelanders.
Consistent quality yields more valuable trades
In view of the export value of what was caught each year, it can be said that it was possible to quickly increase the value of seafood, with research funded by the ACP, after the decision was made. The value more than enough doubled from 2003 to 2011, in foreign currencies, although little has been done in that direction in recent years.
Based on the approach of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to assess price developments in international trade in seafood (FAO Fish Price Index), the value of Icelandic seafood increased faster than it did. Value creation affects the operations and operating results of companies in the fisheries value network, including the margins of fisheries companies.
In any case, the development of value creation in the fisheries sector in Iceland was not the same in this decade as in the previous one, so it is important that we pick up the thread and continue to develop the fisheries sector with increased value creation as a goal. It should be noted that the above measure is not the only pure truth that states the status of the fisheries sector in Iceland, for example, the increased capacity of each link in the seafood value chain is not directly reflected in the measure of the export value of each kilogram caught. The composition of the catch as well as the total catch certainly have an effect on the above-mentioned scale as well as how the catch is handled until the seafood is sold out of the country, such as whether the catch is landed for landing in a foreign port, whole frozen fish on board, filleted, flat or melted, to name a few. named.
In order to promote value creation for the future in the Icelandic fisheries sector, Icelanders need to maintain their position by tightening their grip,do not beat any of the quality requirements, even put more emphasis on product quality and responses to consumer preferences than has been done recently. Consistent quality can make more valuable trades possible.
About a year ago, the Fisheries Conference was encouraged to aim for this fivefold of the valuables we process from seafood. Unfortunately, discussions about that goal have not taken place in modern forums.
Investment in research pays off
In 1918, exported marine products weighed 29 thousand tons, which amounted to 29% of landed catch. In comparison, in 2017, Icelanders exported 609 thousand tonnes of seafood, which amounted to almost 52% of landed catch.
Increased value creation can lead to prosperity. Experience shows that investment in research and innovation is important for the development of industries. The framework for innovation must be able to encourage increased value creation. Stable and long lasting. It is good to know that individual companies are strong enough to pay a good salary for well-educated and good people with experience, but it can come down to the whole thing that there is no systematic work to lift the floor. It may happen to us Icelanders if entrepreneurs and smaller companies do not have access to qualified, educated and experienced professionals.
AVS was a key fund that created an atmosphere where a lot of effort was put into increasing the value of seafood, but that fund seems to be running out. Its budget aims to be around 40% from what it was at its peak in 2011 and next year's government contribution to AVS will be less than half of 2011. AVS is crucial for most if not all of the companies that have suffered the most in connection with changed the image of the fisheries sector, just like the projects that have been carried out in collaboration with more traditional fisheries companies.
AVS grants are about 4% of Matís 'turnover, grants from the Science and Technology Policy Council's funds, under the supervision of Rannís, are about 9% of Matís' turnover. Revenues other than Matís' service agreement on food research with the Ministry of Industry and Innovation, such as research grants, are for the most part (72%) under the innovation that Matís provides.
In 2015, Matís booked revenue from projects in connection with European research collaboration in the amount of ISK 215 million, and then the state contribution to AVS was ISK 217 million. Since then, Matís has earned more on these European tickets than has been invested in AVS.
The thread will be picked up again
Much has been achieved over the past century, but we all need to do our part to be able to boast of operating in a competitive industry in the future. The sadness in today's fisheries sector is that we seem to have abandoned the extensive co-operation and sincere determination that was made to increase value creation in fishing, processing and sales of seafood. Certainly, there is value in the sale of knowledge or equipment that has been developed with knowledge of the nature and content of the Icelandic fisheries sector in collaboration that has often been supported by national research and development funds.
I hope we are fortunate enough to follow up on decisions that are effective in the future, implementing them in our daily lives to contribute to the betterment of all of us, but not giving up in the middle.
This article written by Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson first appeared on pages 48 and 49 in 7.-8. issue of the 111th year of Ægis on the occasion of the centenary of sovereignty at the end of November.
Following the news that has appeared in Iceland Review and in The moment in recent days, it can be understood that Matís was responsible for the study under discussion.
In the case in question, Matís is only involved in genetic sampling for a customer, but the customer was otherwise responsible for the research. Matís is a company that sells various services and consultancy in the field of food production, genetics, biotechnology, fisheries and agriculture, in addition to conducting various food-related research projects. Those who buy measurements or analyzes from Matís are the owners of the results and it is up to those who buy the service what they do with the results, whether the service is in the form of chemical measurements, genetic analysis or microbiological measurements, for example.
Matís does not carry out inspections, although inspectors such as the Food Administration, the Marine Research Institute or the Health Inspectorate purchase services from Matís.
The company Matís has a strong science and knowledge community based on strong research infrastructure and collaboration to maximize the impact of investments in research and innovation, so Matís can help its customers increase value creation, food security and public health.
In view of the growing global need for protein, there has been a great need for increased knowledge of the quality properties of fishmeal and animal feed in order to increase the value of these products. In mid-November, a workshop was held in connection with Nordic production of fishmeal and fish oil in Copenhagen.
The workshop had 75 participants and came from all over Europe. The group consisted of scientists, producers, retailers and customers who participated in five work sessions where specific aspects of production were examined separately.
The Nordic countries have recently joined forces and set up a so-called Nordic Quality Council for Fishmeal and Oil, e. Nordic Center of Excellence in Fishmeal and Oil, which aims to strengthen Nordic co-operation and increase knowledge of the quality characteristics of fishmeal and fish oil. The intention is to bring Nordic fishmeal production and fish oil to the forefront, thus ensuring the supply of safe and quality fishmeal and fish oil for feed and food production.
The Nordic Center of Excellence Network organized and EUfishmeal hosted the event and Matís took an active part in the event.
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