
The farmers' market in Sveitasælan on 18 August


Rakel Halldórsdóttir


There will be a varied selection from Skagafjörður's food box, such as hen eggs, honey, shark, herbs, pesto and freshly grown vegetables as well as all kinds of fish and meat to name a few. 

The farmers' market, which has been in Pakkhúsið in Hofsós this summer, will take place at the big gathering Sveitasælan in the riding hall Svaðastöðum in Skagafjörður from 10–17 on Saturday 18 August.  

The project is a pilot project run by Matís, in collaboration with farmers and producers in Skagafjörður. Sveitasælan is an agricultural exhibition and farmers 'festival, says Rakel Halldórsdóttir, a consultant at Matís who established the farmers' market this summer.

The program will be the most impressive and everyone should find something suitable. These include the zoo, the theater group Lotta, Gunna and Felix, the Puppy Squad, hot dogs, a shepherd dog show, a calf show, a ram show / ram show, and a machine and company show, not to mention the Farmers' Market which has attracted attention in many places.           

The restaurant will be run by the Kiwanis Club Freyja, but all proceeds will go to good causes in the local area.

Everyone is welcome and admission is free!


Among the leading entrepreneurs and pioneers in Europe in sustainable development

The project Metamorphosis is nominated for the EIT Innovators Awards 2018

Recently, EIT (The European Institute and Innovation and Technology) the projects and individuals who were nominated for the EIT Award this year. It focuses on projects that promote innovation with innovative products, projects and services that address international challenges such as climate, energy, food and health. This year's nominations include the Metamorphosis project led by Birgir Örn Smárason at Matís.

The Metamorphosis project is working to turn organic waste into valuable raw materials for use in aquaculture feed. Lack of protein-rich feed has called for new solutions to meet growing industry demand. More than half of all fish species are now farmed and it is likely that production will double in the next 15 years. Studies have shown that insects are very suitable in the production of feed for fish, but many species of insects have the property of being able to convert organic waste into a diet rich in fat and protein. The project focuses on the development of new feed materials made from insects that could be used to respond to the growing protein deficiency in Europe in a sustainable way.

The award ceremony will take place in Budapest on the fourth of October at the EIT's annual Entrepreneurship Seminar, INNOVEIT . There are a total of 41 nominations and they consist of the main pioneers and pioneers in Europe in sustainable development.

Here is a list of all the nominations this year.


Research in Surtsey


Viggó Marteinsson

Research Group Leader

Changes in the new volcano have not been studied anywhere else in the world but on Surtsey. Matís' participation in the collaboration revolves around research into the settlement of organisms, especially microorganisms.

Matís' scientists were among a group of scientists who went on the second of two expeditions to Surtsey in the summer of 2018, and the results are now being processed, but the data will be used for various studies.

The expedition examined, among other things, how a microbial community is formed and develops in the rock far below the earth's surface at high temperatures, up to 80 degrees.

This time, scientists left Institute of Natural HistoryAgricultural University , Institute of Earth Sciences, Matís and ÍSOR as well as master's and doctoral students, two foreign scientists and photographers.

The Surtsey Nature Reserve was approved by the United Nations World Heritage List in 2008. Great care is taken not to disturb the Surtsey ecosystem during the research. All parties involved in the project have been given detailed instructions regarding the preparation and the conditions there to ensure a minimum of disruption on the eve of being allowed to land on Surtsey.


Positive effects of seaweed extract in foods and lotions


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

Project Manager

A three-year Nordic project on bioactive seaweed, funded by Nordic Innovation, is currently being completed. The project (Seaweed bioactive ingredients with verified in-vivo bioactivities) was managed by Matís and carried out in collaboration with the research institute VTT in Finland, the University of Iceland, Kristianstad University and the companies Marinox (producer of seaweed extract), FinnSnack (producer of rye products), Pharmia ( development and production of food supplements) and UNA skincare (manufacturer of skin care products).

Prior to the project, Marinox had developed new methods for producing seaweed extracts (Fucus vesiculosus), with high bioactivity according to test tubes (in vitro). This created opportunities in the food and cosmetics industry, but first the bioactivity had to be confirmed by further testing, ie whether the seaweed extract had a measurable effect on human health. The project therefore focused on researching the effects of ingesting seaweed extract and using lotions containing seaweed extract. Products containing seaweed extract were developed and tested within the project, and consumers' responses to seaweed extract and its use as food supplements and as ingredients in food were studied.  

The results of the tests showed a positive effect of using the seaweed extract and overall it can be said that the seaweed extract has good potential as a dietary supplement, as an ingredient in foods and lotions. A market research carried out within the project also provided further insight into market development and market opportunities for seaweed, and which, together with other results of the project, will support the companies within the project in their next steps.

See more video


Matís very active in fisheries research


Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson

Director of Business and Development

It is important that new knowledge is applied so that value and efficiency can be increased. Following extensive research and development work, it is important to review the issues that stand out and work on the implementation of new knowledge in the procedures of companies as well as other stakeholders, this applies to the fishing industry as well as other aspects of the economy. In this spirit, sustainability, utilization, innovation in fisheries management and the social and economic impact of the fisheries sector were discussed in the light of ongoing research and development projects supported by the European Research Programs.

Over the years, Europe's Framework Programs for Research and Innovation funded a number of research projects focusing specifically on fisheries and fisheries management in the field of fisheries (fisheries topics). On 23 March, the projects covered by the Seventh Framework Program (FP7) and Horizon 2020 (H2020) were invited to a workshop in Brussels, where the aim was to present the projects to the various units of the European Union's research and innovation system. and discuss the priorities of such projects in the future. Managers from EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund) also presented the projects that the fund has supported in recent years.

A total of 14 FP7 and H2020 projects were invited to the meeting, ie. EcoKnowsEcoFishManFACTSMy FishBENTHISMareFrameDiscardLessMINOUWClimeFishCERESFarFishSmartFishSYMBIOSIS and SAF21. Matís' activity in this field has attracted attention in many places. Matís manages three of these projects (EcoFishManMareFrame and FarFish) and is one of the key participants in three others (DiscardLess, ClimeFish and SAF21). On behalf of Matís, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Oddur Már Gunnarsson and Jónas R. Viðarsson attended the meeting.

That presentations After the discussion, the meeting guests were divided into four working groups where specific research emphases were discussed, the main challenges and opportunities, as well as advice on what kind of research and innovation projects should be strengthened in the near future. The four groups discussed zero waste, the social and economic aspects of fisheries, innovation in fisheries management and sustainable fisheries. Jónas R. Viðarsson at Matís had the honor of leading the group that discussed full utilization in the fisheries sector.

For more information Jónas R. Viðarsson and Anna K. Daníelsdóttir


Plastic use should be reduced

In the spirit of the general policy of the Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources on waste prevention, Together against waste, the government's charter and the Nordic environment minister's plan to reduce the environmental impact of plastics, a consultative forum on a plastic action plan was set up last July.

Hrönn Jörundsdóttir, Head of Measurement Services and Research Infrastructure at Matís composed following the nomination of Matís to the consultation forum together with the nominated representatives of numerous stakeholders. The role of the forum is to come up with proposals on how to reduce the use of plastic, how to improve its recycling and how to deal with plastic pollution in the sea. The Consultative Forum should also make recommendations on what kind of research and what monitoring needs to be undertaken, regarding plastics and their use, as well as make suggestions regarding government actions that might be desirable. In addition, the consultation forum is intended to focus on how to promote innovation that can lead to less plastic use, such as the development of products that could replace known plastic products today.

In this context, it is worth mentioning that the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources has requests for comments on a proposal for an annex to the general policy on waste prevention, Together against waste. The annex includes measurable annual targets for the maximum amount of plastic packaging per capita, the number of carrier plastic bags per capita, the number of beverage packaging per capita and the waste ratio for fish and meat processing.

Hrönn has a doctorate in environmental chemistry and has worked on and led research on undesirable substances in the environment and food. Hrönn directs Matís' reference laboratory and is an expert in risk assessment regarding chemical pollution in food, and Hrönn will contribute his expertise in environmental issues and research on plastics in the environment as well as risk assessment into the work of the consultation forum, which is scheduled to end before 1 November 2018.


Home processing of products - Örsláturhús


Óli Þór Hilmarsson

Project Manager

There is an increased market for the sale of products directly from the farm, mainly due to an increase in tourists and the willingness of farmers to meet the increased demands of those who want to have products produced on site, from animals that have roamed the area.

Slaughterhouse today

There are two types of slaughterhouses in Iceland, on the one hand traditional slaughterhouses with a capacity of up to 3000 lambs per day (most of the houses) and on the other hand smaller slaughterhouses where slaughter is allowed. a maximum of 5 large animals per week or a maximum of 100 lambs per day. The smaller houses were created following Regulation no. 856/2016 Regulation on small food businesses and traditional foods. The large slaughterhouses are very productive, but the smaller ones have more flexibility in operation, ie. to operate outside the normal slaughter time. In the smaller houses, it is possible to apply a more varied processing method that promotes even higher quality, such as a longer mowing time, specially selected for slaughter, etc. The smaller houses have a simpler staffing model that is different from the large ones. In the only small slaughterhouse that has been operated in this country, the staffing is such that the slaughterhouse manager and quality manager are the only permanent employees of the house, the slaughter itself is done by farmers from the area who take it on as contractors.

Today, home slaughter is permitted on legal farms, as products from such slaughter are only intended for use on the farm itself. Any distribution or sale is strictly prohibited. In order to meet the growing demand for home-slaughtered products, it is possible to take exemplary countries such as Germany and other countries where the sale of products from home-slaughter is permitted if certain conditions are met. By taking these countries and the regulations they comply with into account, it is possible to develop and set rules for domestic slaughter where the distribution and sale of products is possible. Such a slaughterhouse could be called abattoir.

Slaughtering is based on certain criteria that are more often than not bound by regulations, but is also based on research results. All the criteria have in common that they ensure food safety and maximum quality. The same rules apply even in the case of domestic slaughter.

There are clear rules on the killing of slaughter animals "Slaughter animals have the right to die with" respect "and slaughter must appeal to health, humanity and quality. For animal welfare reasons, the slaughter of livestock should be as painless as possible. Good treatment of slaughter animals is also a matter of utilization and quality. The muscles of animals in good condition have a lot of energy, but the muscles of animals that are tired or have sunbathed have less or even no energy. This can be seen by measuring the acidity of the meat the day after slaughter. The higher it is, the less energy there is in the muscles. They become dark, stiff and dry to the touch and are poorly stored because high acidity is favorable to damaged microorganisms. Refrigeration is also necessary during the slaughter process, during the storage and distribution of meat products.

Official control could be in such a way that after the farmer announces the planned slaughter of the animals in question (animal identification number), the control veterinarian can search for information in control systems such as Hjarðbók, Fjárvís, etc. on drug administration, etc. The veterinarian may carry out a thorough examination, whether of live animals, at the time of slaughter, or later if he deems it necessary.


Is mackerel filleting a viable option?


Guðmundur Stefánsson

Director of Research Groups

Matís is completing work on a Nordic project funded by Nordic Marine Innovation 2.0, which is examining whether filleting mackerel is a viable option.

Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) is an important fish for the Nordic countries. In 2016, Norway and the Faroe Islands caught 475 thousand tonnes of mackerel, which is 41% of the total catch in the world (FAO, 2018). The majority of the mackerel caught is frozen whole or decapitated and gutted. Less than 1% of the catch is filleted fresh. However, there is a greater demand for fillets and part of the mackerel is therefore frozen whole, transported between countries, thawed and hand-filleted. This is due to the fragility of the mackerel raw material, which is considered to be the best way to ensure the quality of the fillets.

By finding ways to ensure quality after machine filleting, costs and energy are saved during, among other things, freezing and transport, as well as it will be possible to use the side ingredients of filleting for other types of domestic processing.

The project included the effects of seasons, fishing methods, pre-treatment, etc. factors on the quality of fillets after machine filleting studied. Particular attention was paid to the appearance of fillets and the amount of blood stains and looseness in them were assessed. Subsequently, experiments were performed to assess the effect of the fillet on the shelf life. Emphasis was placed on trying to ensure a shelf life of at least 12 months in the event of frost. Also look at how they are suitable for further processing, such as smoking.

Partners in the project were Pelagia (Norway), Síldarvinnslan (Iceland), Gjögur (Iceland), Vardin Pelagic (Faroe Islands), VMK Arenco (Sweden), Matís (Iceland), Nofima (Norway), Aarhus University (Denmark) and Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.

Research on mackerel filleting and the quality of fillets will be continued in collaboration between domestic fisheries companies, Matís and the University of Iceland, but these research is funded by the AVS Fisheries Research Fund and Technology Development Fund.


The farmers market in Hofsós on Saturday 28 July at 13-16


Rakel Halldórsdóttir


Welcome to the Farmers' Market in Pakkhúsið!

The aim is to make the area's primary production accessible to locals and at the same time to promote tourists' access to the cultural history and traditions of the area, of which food culture and crafts are an important part. The market focuses on traditional Skagafjörður products. The market is a venue where unpackaged trade in local products takes place, with an emphasis on environmentally friendly and sustainable methods, all in line with the UN's global goals for the sustainability of communities as well as the emphasis on Slow Food.

There will be a variety of delicacies offered directly from the farm; lamb, beef, goat meat, smoked meat, minced meat, vegetables, summer flowers, cut roses, sigin fish, dried fish, shark, corn hen eggs, duck eggs, chicken eggs, honey, ointments, creams and more.

The project is a pilot project on behalf of Matís, in collaboration with farmers and producers in Skagafjörður and the National Museum of Iceland, but the Warehouse belongs to the National Museum's Museum.

Further information about Bændamarkaður Hofsós and opening hours is available on the market's Facebook page ( Hofsós Farmers' Market ) and on Matís' Facebook page ( MatisIceland ).


The importance of marine resources discussed in Brazil


Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir

Deputy CEO / Director of Research & Innovation

Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, recently attended a conference held in collaboration with the European Research Program (Horizon 2020) and similar research programs in South Africa and Brazil. The purpose of the conference was to launch research work related to the BELEM Declaration, which lays the foundation for increased research and innovation based on Atlantic marine resources.

At the conference, John Bell, Head of Horizon 2020's Marine and Bioeconomy Research Program, emphasized the importance of the ocean in Europe's next research program (Horizon Europe), which plans to invest € 100 billion in research and innovation, a significant increase from Horizon 2020. In his closing remarks, John Bell stated that we need to change the state of the oceans in order to change the state of the world. Let's get started (e. „We need to change the state of the ocean, to change the state of the world. Let's get on with it ")

The meeting looked at how well Icelanders have managed to link the work of scientists and fisheries companies, but Matís 'role at the meeting was to tell about Icelanders' experience of applying new knowledge and disseminating scientific results to companies and the public.

Research infrastructures were much discussed at the conference, but the BELEM declaration concerns, among other things, their better utilization. The operation of marine research vessels around the world is becoming increasingly difficult, due to the increased cost of their endurance, and at the same time new possibilities have opened up for data collection with automatic measuring equipment, including on fishing vessels, as well as with unmanned submarines. 

Further information on the BELEM Declaration: