
Drying of fish ridges in a conveyor belt dryer

Magnús Kári Ingvarssson gives a lecture on his project for a master's degree in mechanical engineering. The project is called Airflow and energy analysis in geothermally heated conveyor drying of fishbone. 

When does this event start: October 2, 2014 - 3:30 p.m.

Event location: Box

Further location: N-129

Magnús Kári Ingvarssson gives a lecture on his project for a master's degree in mechanical engineering. The project is called Airflow and energy analysis in geothermally heated conveyor drying of fishbone. 

The project examines the drying of fish ridges in a conveyor belt dryer. The prototype of the dryer was built in 1981, designed by Sigurjón Arason, but the dryer uses geothermal energy to heat the air used for drying. Since the construction of the prototype, little changes have been made to the design, other than that the size of the dryer has been scaled up to increase capacity.

The purpose of the project is to use measurements and methods of mass and energy accounting to increase understanding and knowledge of the function of the dryer, so that both manufacturers and users of the device can improve their products. Measurements are made on the air flow properties of the dryer (flow, pressure, temperature and humidity) and the water content of the product. The results of the measurements are used to calculate the main characteristics of the dryer and it has been found that the superheated efficiency of the dryer is 50.5%, the relative air circulation is 64% and the energy requirement to evaporate each kilogram of water is 5500 kJ. The total energy consumption is estimated at 919 kW for a production capacity equivalent to 800 kilograms of raw material per hour. The results indicate that the efficiency of the air flow is deficient in terms of pressure drop and water uptake. Measurements of the water content of the product indicate that the drying process is not properly controlled, procedures are deficient and there is an opportunity to double the efficiency.


Sigurjón Arason, Professor at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition, Halldór Pálsson, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Computer Science.


Sveinn Víkingur Árnason, Managing Director of ÁTVR.


Life and animation at the fisheries exhibition in Kópavogur

The fisheries exhibition is now in full swing. Matís is a participant and not only in the show but Matís also took part in conference on the full utilization of fish but the conference took place yesterday. Matís also manages conference on marine settlements, small boat fishing and rural development in the North Atlantic which will take place tomorrow.

At Matís booth, C50, was yesterday offered a cancer burger from the company Walk the plank. It is safe to say that the city was a success among the many who tasted it.

Today at 14 will then be offered omega-3 improved stew a la Grímur kokkur. Grímur kokkur is a nationally known producer of loyalty from the sea and no one should miss this presentation.


A crab burger from the "Walk the Plank" gang

Matís participates in the Fisheries Exhibition in Kópavogur 25-24. sept. nk. At Matís booth, no. C50, there will be a lot going on, such as an introduction to crab burgers, an introduction from Grímur kokk and an introduction to omega-3 mayonnaise. 

Matís' presentation program, booth C50, is as follows:

  • Thursday 25 September at 13: 30-15: 00: Krabbaborgarasmakk | „Walk the plank“.
  • Friday 26 September at 14: 00-16: 00: omega-3 rich fish in broccoli | Masked chef
  • Saturday 27 September at 12: 00-14: 00: omega-3 mayonnaise | Marinox

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson Matís marketing manager.


Futuristic idea of the Fisheries Conference 2014

Do you have a futuristic idea to strengthen the Icelandic fishing industry and related industries?

The Fisheries Conference calls for futuristic innovation ideas, which will be recognized at the forum's next conference on 20-21. November at the Grand Hotel. The aim is for the ideas to be progressive and original and to create a basis for discussion or new thinking.

What to keep in mind

A futuristic idea shall be presented in a concise manner where a description of the idea, a proposal for implementation, expected results and effects will be beneficial for the image of Icelandic products (maximum 2 pages). Anyone can submit ideas. More information can be found here.


The deadline for submitting applications is October 15, 2014. 


Icelanders' utilization of cod attracts attention at the FAO

In a recent publication of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) entitled The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) confirms that Iceland is one of the main fishing nations in the world.

The publication publishes a list of the 18 nations that caught the most fish in 2012. At the top of the list is China with 13,869,604 tonnes caught. Next comes Indonesia with 5,420,247 tons and in third place is the United States with 5,107,559 tons. Iceland is in 17th place on the list with a total of 1,449,452 tonnes of fish. Only one other European country is on the list, Norway, which ranks 11th with 2,149,802 tonnes caught in 2012.

Icelanders are leaders in innovation

The publication also focuses on the importance of fish traceability with the aim of promoting food security and preventing food fraud. There are studies by Icelanders that Matís has been involved in, mentioned as examples of successful projects of this kind. It is also considered that it is not possible to trace the origin of fish on the European market in 25 - 50% cases.

Icelanders' full utilization of cod is also a topic of discussion in the publication, which discusses the possibilities of using fish by - products for human consumption. It is stated that Icelanders exported 11,540 tonnes of dried cod heads to Africa in 2011. It is reported that in addition to heads, the roe and liver are used for human consumption, but the rest is mostly used for feed.

The publication in question is the largest edition of the FAO and is published every two years. The aim of the publication is to provide strategic and public bodies as well as those who need to rely on the fishing industry with comprehensive and impartial information on the global situation and to provide ideas on how to respond to existing challenges. Here you can read the latest version of SOFIA.

For further information Sigurjón Arason, chief engineer at Matís.


Plastic away from the oceans

The Environment Agency is hosting an international conference on plastic in the sea in Harpa on September 24, 2014. Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir from Matís will give a talk at the conference entitled "Sewage treatment plants as sources for marine microlitter."

Be part of that CLEAN THE PLASTIC from the oceans!

Conference in Harpa, 24 September

The Environment Agency is holding an international conference on plastic in the sea in Harpa on 24 September 2014. The main goal of the conference is to propose measures to reduce plastic waste in the sea.

Take the day off!

Click on the link for more information (pdf). You can also get in touch with Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir at Matís.


Traceability results in higher product prices

Food traceability requirements are increasing day by day, whether meat, fish, vegetables or fruit. Matís is currently working on projects that will be useful for traceability registration and thus ensure that the origin and processing process of food on the market can be confirmed. At first, the spotlight is on fish products.

There has been a great deal of awareness in recent years about the importance of knowing the origin and processing processes of the foods that come on the market. This applies not least to the markets to which Icelanders export the most fish.

Matís is currently working on three projects related to the importance of fish traceability and prevention against fraud in the food industry.

In connection with the WhiteFish project, a standard has been developed that enables companies to record and manage information on the environmental impact of their production. But by being able to demonstrate the environmental impact of the product and break it down into batches, the results of the project will be used to create producers of cod and haddock products the opportunity to differentiate themselves in markets where the environmental impact of fishing, processing and transport is important.

In the project WhiteFishMall has been working on researching what information can be used to increase sales of fish products from the North Atlantic. Market research has shown that consumers in the UK want better information about where the fish comes from, whether it is caught in an environmentally friendly way, whether the stocks are self-sufficient, nutritional content and the positive positive effects of fish consumption on health, recipes and so on. To meet these consumer requirements, the WhitFishMall project has designed a web solution that can meet these requirements. The look, layout, data revenue and data management have been verified in several value chains and the salary has been tested in several stores in the UK.

The project Food Integrity or Food Integrity, launched in early 2014, aims to leverage research to ensure the integrity of European food and develop methods to detect and prevent fraud in the European food industry.

Proper handling and storage throughout the production process is the basis for the food to be fit for human consumption, but in the production of food the question always arises about the safety of the food towards the consumer, as a result the requirements for hygiene, good production and traceability have increased enormously. come to the food value chain.

For further information Jónas R. Viðarsson at Matís.


Conference on marine settlements, small boat fishing and rural development in the North Atlantic

In connection with the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, which will take place in Kópavogur at the end of September, an international conference will be held to discuss the state of coastal settlements, small boat fishing and rural development in the North Atlantic.

Communities in coastal areas and small boating are closely linked in the countries bordering the North Atlantic. In most parts of the area, the sea settlements are under attack and small boat companies are in operational difficulties, as well as the renewal of the industry is limited. These challenges, along with other issues, will be discussed at the conference and seek to analyze the future potential of the North Atlantic coastal communities.

The conference is structured in such a way that representatives from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Newfoundland will first give short lectures on the state of these issues in their countries. A research project will also be presented where the performance and wages of small boat companies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland are analyzed and compared with other industries. The Icelandic owners of small boat fishing in Norway will report on the operating environment of small boats in Norway, and compare it with Iceland; and finally, the chairman of the board of Byggðarstofnun will report on the work and policy of the institution, but Byggðastofnun has recently reviewed the institution's methodology to perform its role better.

The conference will take place in Smárinn (meeting room on the upper floor of a building that connects Smárinn and Fífun) on Saturday 27 September at 10: 15-14: 00. The conference is held in English, admission is free and open to all, but people are asked to register by sending an email to

More information can be found at or at Jónas R. Viðarsson at Matís.


TASTE - utilization of food algae for flavor enhancement and salt reduction in food production

On the occasion of the end of the TASTE project, an open seminar will be held on 16 September at Matís on the utilization of marine algae for flavor enhancement and salt reduction in food production.

The seminar will include lectures on seaweed in Iceland and their utilization, the seaweed industry in France, the nutritional value of algae and the use of algae in food and other consumer products. The seminar will be held in English. 

Program of the seminar.

Registration for the seminar: please send an email to

More information about the TASTE project can be found at Matís website and by contacting Rósa Jónsdóttir and Þóra Valsdóttir at Matís.


Icelandic fisheries: better data - more value!

All decisions, large and small, are made on the basis of information and knowledge, so one would think that one of the nation's most important industries would be full of data that could be relied on. When looking for answers to many pressing questions about development and value creation in the Icelandic fisheries sector, it often becomes clear that information is not available or that it does not stand up to scrutiny.

Now it is not the case that it is not possible to draw the big picture, the catch of all species is a known size and the total export value is also available, but when assessing, for example, the development and innovation of individual species or products, it is often more difficult.

Great emphasis has been placed on registering all catches and this is of course closely monitored, but when it comes to exports, another system based on the registration of exports according to customs register numbers takes over.

The Customs Tariff is intended to be the system that is to cover all products transported to and from the country. The system used in Iceland is based on a harmonized international numbering and classification system that is used by over 200 nations, so that basically cod with the same number is used in most parts of the world. This applies to the first six digits, then nations can extend the number and add a detailed product analysis. In Iceland, it has only been possible to add two digits due to the limited capacity of databases in use.

The information that exporters place on export papers and return to Customs is then the basis for the publication of data at Statistics Iceland, so that if exporters are throwing their hand in the provision of information, the information published by Statistics Iceland will be less noticeable. As exports are not the subject of fees in this country, it is obvious that control of the correct registration is limited, it does not really take place until in the country of import because then the product must be linked to the correct customs number of that country.

When looking at export figures, the first stop is to look at the product description and find out what is meant or what is not meant, it can be very difficult to get a clear picture of the products listed in certain tariff codes. Product descriptions are often very open and can refer to different products, but over 100 terms are used to describe seafood in the Customs Tariff and there are no further explanations for these terms.

It is possible to pick up many examples of contradictory product descriptions and it is clear that there is a lack of product knowledge when compiling them, but it must be borne in mind that the Customs employees have various other things on their plate than compiling product descriptions for seafood. Customs register numbers for seafood are just a few hundred, while the customs register as a whole contains thousands of other product descriptions, so it is important that the seafood industry is involved when planning such an important database.

It is the fisheries industry that benefits first and foremost from good and detailed information on how to succeed in value creation and utilization of seafood, because in the information the opportunities will be visible.

Despite a considerable revision of the 2012 tariff schedule and an increase in the number of numbers, it is by no means possible to identify in any way the utilization of individual species, which can be seen in the fact that the fourth most valuable species imported from Iceland is "other fish" or "various species". are products where no specific fish species is mentioned in the product description. This "other fish" yields about 10% of the total value of exported marine products.

There are affirmations about such and such great utilization of individual species and people are beating their chests and claiming that we are superior to other nations. But it is not possible to say anything like that unless there is better information about all the products. While different products are collected in individual customs register numbers, it is not possible to calculate back and say what the utilization of the catch is.

Those who have come close to processing seafood know that it is important to know whether fish is with or without head, gutted or ungutted, fillets with red and bone or skinless and boneless, etc., if this information is not available then it is impossible to calculate out the total utilization of individual species.

Matís has been in a collaborative project with the Directorate of Customs, Statistics Iceland, the Association of Fish Processing Plants, the National Association of Fish Farms, Icelandic and Iceland Seafood, where these issues have been reviewed. The project was funded by the AVS Fund. The report "Increased value of data" can be found here (best viewed in Acrobat Reader).

The result of the project is a summary of what the situation is and how the current information system is not getting a good enough handle of this data that is being created. There is also a proposal for improvements and how very detailed information could be obtained on all types, values and utilization, but in order to achieve this, product descriptions must be harmonized and it must be ensured that there is the same understanding of the terms used. There are now definitions for the product descriptions and they have a number of pictures to better show what is meant.

This new proposal will simplify all registration and can in fact make the preparation of special Icelandic tariff codes for seafood completely unnecessary, but still offer much more detailed information.

It will then be possible to answer almost all possible questions regarding value creation and utilization of seafood, and thereby make sensible decisions, based on the best available information, on everything related to the utilization of the resource.

For further information Páll Gunnar Pálsson at Matís.