
European University Association visits Matís - BEST

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A total of 85 European universities in 30 countries are members of the association, but an Icelandic member association was founded by students at the University of Iceland in 2005 (

The main purpose of BEST is to offer students of the member universities additional education in the form of short courses as well as to give students the opportunity to get to know the culture and languages of other nations.

It should be noted that the students who found out in this course only have to pay for part of the fare to and from the country, but a grant was received from Europe in Youth for all other costs of the course for each participant.

There was a lot of interest in the course, but in total a large number of European university students applied for participation. As the number of participants was limited, only some came to Iceland for this occasion. The number of applications shows that there is a great interest in educated European young people to learn from Icelanders and get to know a country and a nation.

More information can be found at