
Food security in Iceland - an opportunity in the production of grain

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Ólafur Reykdal

Project Manager

In February 2021, the Agricultural University of Iceland published the report Food security in Icelandi. Many remarkable things are stated in the report and cereals can be taken as an example. It is pointed out that the domestic production of cereals for human consumption is only about 1% of total consumption. This is a very small percentage that could be higher as conditions for production in this country exist.

In recent years, Matís has been responsible for several research and innovation projects on grain and its potential in Iceland. An example of this is the project on cereals in the Arctic but there are also various projects on Icelandic barley that have been carried out in collaboration with the Agricultural University and other domestic and foreign parties. In addition, co-operation has now begun on research into the use of Icelandic oats. 

Barley and oats have various interesting properties for food production, and research at Matís has discussed the value chain of grain from grain cutting to food production. Barley is used worldwide for the production of barley malt, which is one of the most important raw materials for the production of alcoholic beverages. A considerable amount of barley malt is imported into the country, but more Icelandic barley could be used in the beverage industry in Iceland, which has been growing rapidly in recent years. A project is currently underway at Matís where experiments are being made with malting Icelandic barleyi. 

The health of the barley has been demonstrated by measurements of beta-glucans, but they are water-soluble fiber materials and a report on these measurements can be found here: Icelandic barley for food production. These fiber substances help lower blood cholesterol and reduce blood sugar fluctuations. Wheat does not have these properties and therefore the health value of baking products can be increased by using barley instead of part of the flour. There are great opportunities for innovation that could be used in any kind of baking industry. 

Oats are well-known ingredients in a variety of foods such as oatmeal, oatmeal and oatmeal. At Sandhólsbúið near Kirkjubæjarklaustur, energetic pioneering work has been done in the cultivation of oats and oat flakes from the farm are a popular product in stores. The Agricultural University has begun experiments with the most suitable oat varieties for Icelandic conditions. Sandhólsbúið is also in collaboration with Matís and work is underway to develop an oat drink from their own production.

Matís has historically published a variety of information on the development of grain foods. The most comprehensive information can be found at website of the Nordic Grain Project.