
Fagur Fiskur II is broadcast on television

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Most people remember the TV shows Beautiful Fish which were shown on Ríkissjónvarpið about two years ago. The shows received few views, but well over two hundred thousand people watched the shows each week. The series won an Edda Award in 2011.

Now the sequel to these shows is starting to take off and you can expect fun TV material on Thursday night this autumn.

TV shows will be shown on RÚV on Thursday evenings, but the aim of the shows is to introduce viewers to all the incredible possibilities in the wonderful raw material found in the sea around the country. The idea for the episodes was sparked by Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, a food scientist at Matís, and Brynhildur Pálsdóttir, a product designer. Gunnþórunn's master's project in food science at the University of Iceland dealt with the state of fish consumption among young people in Iceland. The results of the project showed that there was a great need to strengthen both people's knowledge and consumption of seafood. From this project, the idea arose to make a TV show where the seafood of the country was in the lead role. Gunnþórunn and Brynhildur got chef Svein Kjartansson, photographer Áslaug Snorradóttir and Sagafilm to join them to make the idea a reality. The idea was further developed and implemented by Áslaug, Sveinn and Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir, directors at Sagafilm.

For further information Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir at Matís.

Introductory video for the episodes

In the first episode, seaweed will be covered, but it is one of those mysterious ingredients that contain wonderful nutrition.


In Herdísarvík on the south side of Reykjanes you can find salt and other kelp that is delicious to cook from. Þóra Valsdóttir leads us to all the truth about the secrets of kelp picking and consumption on the beach. Puppets, beach cooking and char noodle salad with halls cheer and delight the inventors Jón Trausta Kárason and Sæmund Elíasson from Matís who show their art and make seaweed pasta which Sveinn Kjartansson puts his mark on.

The first episode is about kelp