Aquaculture is a large part of the production of seafood and is growing globally, so it is important for Icelanders to be active participants in research and development in this field, says Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís, in an interview with Viðskiptablaðið.
Sjöfn says that one of Matís' big projects is aquaculture research on cod, salmon and halibut. ”One of the big projects is aquaculture research on cod, salmon and halibut. Fire is a large part of seafood production and is rising worldwide. We have to play with it. There is a lot of knowledge in Iceland about aquaculture, "says Sjöfn, who believes that in general people only think about aquaculture regarding exports. "This is such a small market in this country."
More in Viðskiptablaðið on Wednesday 14 March.