
From idea to table

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Conference in Denmark 25-26 April 2023

The key to developing a good product in the spirit of sustainability is to use the power of sensory science to bridge the gap between science, industry and consumers. The title of the conference is "From idea to consumption" and at the conference we will examine the process from idea to market, with an emphasis on sustainability, the challenges that such a process often entails and the important role that sensory evaluation plays in the development of quality and sustainable food and beverage product.

Professionals and scientists who work on sensory assessment, quality issues and consumer issues in the field of food and other consumer products will have the opportunity to meet and compare their books. The conference is also chosen to promote connections and opportunities in the Nordic areas. Sensory evaluation, for example evaluation of quality and consumer issues, is an important link in the work that takes place in companies that produce and sell consumer goods.

The Nordic Sensory Workshop is a Nordic conference that has been held approximately every other year. The conference is attended by experts in the field of sensory evaluation and consumer research in the Nordic countries who also take turns hosting the conference. This year, Denmark (Teknologisk Institut) is in charge of planning with help from Nordic partners in Iceland (Matís), Norway (NOFIMA), RISE (The Swedish Research Institute) and Finland (VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland).

The conference will be held on April 25-26, 2023, Gregersenvej 1, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark.

Registration will open in January 2023, but you can sign up for the reminder list by email to the following address:

More information about the conference can be accessed by clicking here or by sending an inquiry to Kolbrúna Sveinsdóttir at Matís at the email address