
Quality management training for students from developing countries

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Since the United Nations University's Fisheries University was established in Iceland almost 11 years ago, Matís has been teaching in the university's quality management department. Margeir Gissurarson, Matís' project manager, is in charge of the teaching, which involves many of the company's employees and from different fields.

"There are usually groups of about 20 people who come to us for quality management studies and some of them then continue their work with us on their final projects which are then related to quality management and processing of fish," says Margeir.

The quality management course at Matís lasts for about five months. The first part is an introduction to the quality, safety and processing of seafood, followed by students' choice of specialties and projects. Supervisors in them then come from Matís.

"Those students who have done well with us often go on to master's and doctoral studies at the University of Iceland or universities in other countries, but these are all students who come from developing countries. The connections that have been created through our work for the United Nations Fisheries Academy are important for both Iceland in the future and our company. After all, Matís has received projects in these countries directly through connections to the United Nations University of Fisheries as well as our former students. Examples include seminars in Uganda and Kenya. There is no doubt that it is a great benefit for Iceland to connect with developing countries in this way in the field of fisheries, because with few exceptions, these students return to public administration positions in their home countries, "says Margeir.

Further information: Margeir Gissurarson