
Can we make better use of the goat population?

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Ólafur Reykdal

Project Manager

A new project is now underway at Matís. The challenge is to respond to the need for increased utilization of the Icelandic goat population, but it is believed that the future of the population is based on its diverse utilization. 

The project lays the foundation for the production of meat and dairy products based on the Icelandic goat. Available scientific information on the composition, properties and health of goat products will be compiled. At the same time, the views of goat farmers on the possibilities of goat breeding will be analyzed. Measurements will be made on the basic components of goat meat and milk. Through this work, Matís will establish links between goat farmers, the food industry and the restaurant sector. Finally, information on production methods, hygiene and product characteristics will be disseminated to the food industry, the restaurant industry, the tourism industry, the general public and farmers.

The project is based on a collaboration between Matís and Geitfjárræktarfélag Íslands and lasts for one year and is funded by the Agricultural Productivity Fund.