
The Green Entrepreneurs of the Future have entered the zone around the country

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In recent weeks, Matís' staff has been busy launching the educational project Green Entrepreneurs of the Future in the three primary schools participating in the project this winter. Visits were made to Árskóli in Sauðárkrókur, Nesskóli in Neskaupsstaður and Grunnskóli Bolungarvíkur, where Matís employees chatted with students 8-10. classes and their teachers on climate change, the environment and the project itself.

The educational project Green Entrepreneurs, funded by the Climate Fund, has the main goal of educating Icelandic primary school students about climate and environmental issues, the effects of climate change on the sea and its ecosystem, and not least, the potential impact on the fishing industry and society. The project will also aim to empower primary school students by educating them about the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship, not only as a tool in the fight against the climate problem, but also for themselves and their local community. One of the main products of the project will be teaching material for Icelandic teachers and their students, which includes about 40 different projects, games and experiments, to name a few. A packed package of information and not least, entertainment.

In recent weeks, Matís' employees, Ragnhildur Friðriksdóttir and Katrín Hulda Gunnarsdóttir, have visited the three primary schools that are participating in the project this winter. The teaching material will be tested in these three schools and that experience will be used to develop and improve the material and methods. During these visits, the children talked a lot about climate change, discussed what climate change really is and what it means for us, our society, the planet and the environment.

Lively discussions and a great atmosphere were created, as the kids are enthusiastic and full of enthusiasm about their future and nature. A game with a climate-related twist was started in all three schools and in the picture to the right you can see when the students tried Lundaleikinn, which is one of 40 games and projects of the Green Entrepreneurs of the Future. Finally, the project was introduced to the students, where their role and that of the class were reviewed.

In the coming weeks, teaching in workshops will take place in the three schools and we encourage everyone who is interested to follow the project's website, www.graenirfrumkvö and the instagram page gff_matis. There will be photos, videos and other things related to the project. At the end of the project, or around the middle of next year, the teaching material will finally be made available for download on the project's website.

The team behind the Green Entrepreneurs of the Future