
Are you interested in working on an exciting master's project in food science or nutrition?

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There is an advertisement for a student in a master's project

Matís is leading a new project on improved quality, shelf life and less waste in the value chain of Icelandic vegetables, which is funded by the Food Fund for one year.

Opportunities exist for a larger domestic market share and vegetable exports. The quality of the vegetables harvested by farmers can be better preserved by reforming the entire value chain to consumers, but this requires a concerted effort. The opportunities are also there, special growing conditions in Iceland and a cool climate offer to maintain the high quality of the crop.

We are looking for a master's student in the project, which focuses on research into the shelf life of vegetables. The project can be 60 or 90 credits.

The project will be limited to one or a few types of vegetables and can focus on simulation experiments to predict shelf life in order to maximize quality and reduce waste. Proposals should be made for improvements in the value chain of vegetables.

The project can start now as early as February 2021. The scope of the project will be defined according to the number of credits (60 or 90 credits).

A grant of ISK 1 million is available, which is performance-related.


Ólafur Reykdal, Matís (, phone number 4225098)

Dr Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Matís and the University of Iceland (, phone number 4225079)

Professor Guðjón Þorkelsson, University of Iceland (, phone number 4225040)

For more information, please contact:

Ólafur Reykdal


Phone number: 4225098