
How much fat is there in lamb muscle? Information on 900 foods

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Did you know that there is only 0.6% fat in haddock, 6% fat in lamb muscle and 30% fat in sausage. There are over 400 calories (kcal) of carbohydrates and alcohol per liter of beer. This information and much more can be found in the ÍSGEM database on the chemical content of food. It contains information on 900 foods.

Among other things, you can get information on proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, energy, vitamins, minerals and undesirable substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic that can be found in foods. For example, you can look for how much protein is in the skyr, which is about 11%. In comparison, there is 3% protein in fresh milk, but there is about 70% protein in dried fish.

You can view the ÍSGEM database here.