
How fresh is the fish?

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Apps for iPhone and Android. The freshness of fish can now be assessed with the help of the "How fresh is your fish?" Script. 

The script is based on the Quality Index method (QIM), which is a standardized method for assessing the freshness of fish and was developed in years of collaboration between several research institutes in Europe ( In 2001, a manual on sensory evaluation of fresh fish in 11 languages was published by fish research institutes in Iceland, the Netherlands and Denmark, on which the script is based. The handbook contains instructions on sensory evaluation of fish as well as pictures, assessment scales and calculations of shelf life for cod, haddock, herring, deep-sea shrimp, inshore shrimp, peeled shrimp, saithe, redfish, salmon, plaice, plaice, sunflower and sandeel. The QIM method is now used worldwide. "This assessment method is the best on the market for assessing the freshness of fish. You do not need to know how old the fish is, as the program calculates how long the fish can stay fresh ", says Joop Luten, project manager at QIM Eurofish. Joop Luten previously worked for Nofima and was a professor in the Department of Fisheries at the University of Wageningen. He is the main instigator of the development of this successful script. "It is very important that the fish maintains the highest possible quality throughout the entire production process, from fishing to processing, through transport and all the way to the fishmonger. The applet can be used throughout the processing chain, provided the fish is raw, fresh and gutted, ”says Joop Luten.

The script was designed by Nofima in Norway, but other research institutes such as Matís were also involved in its installation. The app is used to assess the freshness of fish and is available for iPhone and Android, is free and intended for fish sellers, fish producers, fish control, quality assessment, in education and for consumers who want to assess the freshness or estimate the shelf life of fish.

The iPhone app was first unveiled in May 2011 at the European Fisheries Exhibition in Brussels. Another version was presented at the Fisheries Exhibition in Bremen in February 2012 and in that version a freshness assessment for more fish species was added. In December 2012, a freshness assessment was added for lightly salted herring (Maatjesherring). The Android app was created in September 2013.

You can estimate the number of species with the applet; cod, haddock, herring, deep-sea shrimp, inland shrimp, peeled shrimp, saithe, redfish, salmon, plaice, plaice, sunflower and sandeel, as well as lightly salted herring (Maatjesherring). The app is available in 11 languages; English, Norwegian, Icelandic, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Danish and Italian.

The applet contains, among other things, information on the shelf life of fish species. You can upload images with results and results can be stored and sent results by email.

The best assessment method

The app provides great opportunities for registration and monitoring for fish producers and their customers. Fish producers have evaluated the fish in a similar way with sensory evaluation. The app gives them the ability to evaluate the fish more efficiently. Their customers can also use the app for quality assessment when they receive the fish and send the results back. In this way, both parties get quicker solutions if problems have arisen, for example in transport. The results of the evaluation and photos can be stored in the database.

The applet helps you in a few steps to evaluate how fresh the fish is

The applet contains instructions for evaluating quality factors such as the eyes, redness and gills of the fish, and you can view photos during the evaluation.

Easy to understand results

The results of the assessment show how fresh the fish is and for how long it should remain viable. The results are shown graphically with graphs.

Easy to store results and find them

All items from each freshness assessment are stored in a database and images can be added to the results. It is easy to retrieve the results of each assessment.

You can download the iPhone app on iTunes and The Android version on Google play

More information on sensory evaluation of fish and the QIM method can be found at Matís cooling portal website and Matís website.