
How is your company doing regarding microbiological standards?

Service Category:


In December 2011, Matvælastofnun issued a draft guideline on microbiological criteria based on the provisions of European Regulation (EC / 2073/2005), which has entered into force in Iceland.

It is clear that the guidelines are asking for increased sampling in food production at most food companies in order to verify that the methods used to prevent dangers are yielding the desired results.

Matís runs the largest accredited food laboratory in the country and works with numerous food companies, large and small, around the country. We offer measurements according to the needs of individual companies and can also provide advice and assistance with sampling and the preparation of sampling plans.

Please contact Franklín Georgsson at 422-5000 or 858-5040 or at

Matís employs experts with extensive experience and knowledge in all areas of food production. We can therefore also offer food companies comprehensive services and advice tailored to the needs of each customer. These include services regarding:

  • Interpretation of measurement results with respect to regulatory criteria
  • Consulting and assistance with the installation and maintenance of quality manuals and quality systems
  • Advice on food processing, hazard analysis of processing and minimization of risk during processing and distribution
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection measures and ways to improve

We invite companies to contact Margeir Gissurarson at tel. 422-5000 or 858-5093, but you can also send inquiries to the e-mail address