
Where is the global fishing industry heading? - development and expectations

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Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson, director of Matís, gave an informative talk at the Vestmannaeyjar Knowledge Center entitled Where is the global fishing industry heading? - development and expectations.

Jónas talked about the global fishing industry, what currents and trends are going on. Jónas visited many countries in his presentation, including Norway, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Russia and the European Union. Fisheries and aquaculture were involved in the whole discussion.

The importance of food security, the environment, discards, food integrity, sustainability and many other interesting things were discussed.

Numerous questions came from the audience and good discussions ensued.

Matís employees have been in the Islands for the past few days to have a conversation with the fishing industry in the Islands and other stakeholders regarding the new hiring of an employee at an office in the Islands.

Further information and slides from the lecture can be found at website of the Vestmannaeyjar Knowledge Center.

A recording of the lecture can be found here.

Photo: Eyjafréttir