
Angelica affects the taste of lamb

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Hvannabeit affects the taste quality of lamb meat, according to a study by Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands). According to the opinion of a specially trained group at Matís, the angel lambs were found to have a more spicy smell and taste, while lambs in traditional grazing land had a more lamb taste.

The Minister enjoys a lamb.

Einar K. Guðfinnsson, Minister of Agriculture, had the opportunity to enjoy the hen meat at the Vox restaurant at Nordica Hotel and on that occasion expressed his satisfaction with such an innovation in agriculture.

The project is initiated by Halla Steinólfsdóttir and Guðmundur Gíslason, sheep farmers at Ytri-Fagradalur in Skarðsströnd. They raised a certain number of lambs in a pasture with angelica. For comparison, other lambs were placed in pasture and on farmland. The aim is to raise angelica to be applied to the lambs before slaughter and to start production of lamb meat based on this method.

Angelica was previously considered a budding remedy and was also considered a remedy for all. Now the interest in this herb is resurfacing as people become more aware of the substances it puts into it. Angelica has been used to flavor food and is considered a good herb. Therefore, it is interesting to look at what it means in the taste quality of meat to raise lambs in part on angelica before slaughter.

Now that research has been done on the meat, it turns out that there is a noticeable difference between lambs that were raised on angelica and lambs that were raised on traditional summer work.

Despite the good results, this is only the first step of many. Among other things, the aim is to create an angel field so that the taste can be further developed.