
Domestic cereals for food production

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Matís has for many years worked with grain farmers and the Agricultural University to utilize domestic grain for food production.

Barley is grown in many parts of this country, mostly for feed, but it has also been used in various foods. In recent years, good results have been achieved in the cultivation of oats and oats from Sandhóll are sold in supermarkets. Consumers have taken the oats very well and there is reason to believe that product development based on Icelandic oats will lead to a diverse selection of food products. We must not forget the Icelandic rapeseed oil, which has been extensively researched. Rapeseed oil can be expected to be a raw material for many products in the future. 

It's a pleasure to see a discussion from Erni Karlsson at Sandhóll about the benefits of the Icelandic oats on

Further information on Matís' research on the utilization of domestic grain for food production.