
Icelandic youth were a hit at a youth dinner in Denmark

At the end of May was held Young people's dinner meeting, Ungdommens madmøde, in Denmark. At the dinner, the students of the Matvælaskóli Menntaskólin in Kópavogur presented Icelandic food to other Nordic students in food subjects and about 150 Danish elementary school students.

It is an understatement to say that the Icelandic students, Markús Eðvarð Karlsson, Svanfríður Elín Bjarnadóttir and Sölvi Hermannsson, did a great job and the Icelandic dishes were very well received. The recipes and presentation were made under the guidance of Dóra Svavarsdóttir, chef and teacher.

The presentation of the Icelandic youth was part of a workshop called Nordic kitchen where young people from the Nordic countries presented food from their countries. In addition to the Nordic kitchen workshop, there were workshops that included taste training and inspiration for healthy meals and snacks.

The aim of the food meeting was to encourage a sustainable food culture among the foodies of the future and to create connections between young people and professionals. The idea was to create opportunities and interest in the next generation of consumers to eat and cook foods that are both healthy and good for themselves and the world they live in.

The conference was held in parallel with the workshops Food at school in a Nordic light. How can food contribute to health, learning and well-being in schools? and analyzed there Dr. Ellen Alma Tryggvadóttir from the University of Iceland, from the experience of school meals in Iceland.

The event Youth madmøde was part of a larger food event Madens folkemøde which has been held annually for the past decade and aims to create a forum for conversation about Danish food culture and the food system. There is a particularly interesting event on the way that is worth visiting and even recording in this country. 

Matís took part in planning Youth madmøde but the event was sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers through New Nordic food the project.