
Kids cook at the Christmas market of Matarmarkaður Íslands

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The Icelandic Food Market Christmas market will be in Harpa this weekend, Saturday 14 December and Sunday 15 December. Matís, Slow Food Reykjavík, Matarauður Íslands and Matarmarkaður Íslands stand together for a fun children's game at the Christmas market, but children can decorate and have multi-purpose plastic bags with the Krakkar kokka logo, which is an educational project run by Matís, funded by Matarauður Íslands, designed for primary and nursery schools and aims for children to learn through education, play and cooking about food resources and the primary production of their immediate environment, sustainability and responsible consumption, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

All children receive a bag while supplies last, but the bag also contains an educational treasure trove of Icelandic food that has been certified by the Slow Food Association in the Icelandic Taste Ark, which only considers Icelandic food that is unique in this country due to its origins and long production traditions. Children who take part in the orienteering game submit a participation form at the end and after the market, one child will be drawn and the family card in the Zoo will be won, but the card provides free admission for two adults and up to four children in the park and all equipment for a whole year .

Everyone is welcome to Jólamarkað Matarmarkaður Íslands and admission is free, but a number of farmers and other primary producers and producers present and sell their products on the market. 

Further information and a project brochure about the project Kids Chefs can be found at