
Freezing vegetables gives good results

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Loose frozen vegetables, cauliflower and broccoli, was a project carried out in the autumn of 2012 by Matís and the Gardeners' Sales Association. Now, about a year later, all the results of the market's response have been reached.

At the beginning, a consumer survey was conducted among about 120 families who gave an assessment of Icelandic and imported vegetables in a blind test. The vegetables were also tested in food processing as they were used in composite dishes where imported vegetables are usually used and most recently the vegetables were offered for sale in selected stores.

It is the unanimous opinion of everyone who has tried this Icelandic loose-frozen vegetable, that it is much better than the imported one, first and foremost it is the freshness and it is also much lighter in itself than the imported ie. that it contains much less water.

In the Westman Islands, it was Grímur the chef who tried to combine the vegetables with the fish in his wonderful fish dishes, he says "that the vegetables turned out extremely well" primarily due to the low water content but it should be noted that no water is added to the vegetables. the processing or used materials that bind the water in the vegetables.

Gunnlaugur Karlson at Sölufélag garðyrkjumanna says that the market's response has been very good in the stores where the product was offered and it is quite clear that this is a competitive product and not a question that the product's quality and freshness is much higher than imported.

For further information Óli Þór Hilmarsson at Matís.