
Smell away

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The use of ozone when drying fish significantly reduces odors from drying plants, but Matís is working on experiments with the use of ozone in collaboration with Laugafisk in Akranes.

The aim of the project is to reduce odors in the production of dried products from catfish processing by increasing control of the drying process. Due to increased demands on odorless production, it is necessary to work on solutions to improve the production of dried products from by-products.

Various solutions and cleaning equipment can reduce the odor generated during head drying, including the use of ozone. Ozone is a very reactive substance and oxidizes everything it comes in contact with. It was therefore important to examine the effects of ozone on the environment and products. Ozone kills microorganisms, it is quickly destroyed and leaves no residue or odor, like chlorine.

Equipment for the production of ozone has been purchased, and it is used in research in Matís' drying room on odor formation when drying cod heads. Preliminary results showed that by injecting ozone into the drying chamber, odor degradation was significantly reduced.

Fragrance graph

The graph shows the concentration of odorants in the Matís drying chamber, before and after ozone treatment. A gas sensor (FreshSence II) was used to detect odorants. The main odors detected by the equipment are carbon monoxide (CO), ammonia (NH3) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).

In the near future, the intention is to experiment with the ozone equipment in a custom-built experimental chamber at Laugafisk in Akranes. Dry air will be collected in a special container located on top of the drying chamber and treated with ozone. The effect of ozone on product quality will also be examined.