
Matís offers its services throughout Northern Europe

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Matvælarannsóknir Íslands (Matís) has entered into a collaboration agreement with the innovation company Bitland Enterprises (BE), which makes it possible for Matís to offer its services and advice in more places in Northern Europe than before. These include collaboration with companies in the food industry and collaborative projects through research funds in Europe.

Matís has emphasized offering its advice and services in the food industry beyond Iceland, and the aim of the agreement is to make it easier for the company to achieve its goals. Matís has already taken the first step in that direction in collaboration with the Norwegian research company SINTEF at the end of last year. It is hoped that the agreement with BE will increase Matís' potential in more areas. BE, based in Denmark and the Faroe Islands, has many years of experience in project management and through funds and in collaboration with companies in various industries, and Matís will focus on offering BE's services in Iceland.

"The goal is first and foremost to offer food companies in Iceland, the Faroe Islands and other countries more solid knowledge for continued development in the food industry. We also focus on facilitating Matís and BE's participation in innovation projects, especially through international projects, ”says Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, CEO of Matís.