
Matís and Veiðimálastofnun in collaboration: research on the genetics of Icelandic salmonids

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Matís Ohf and Veiðimálastofnun signed a framework agreement yesterday, Thursday 3 July, on strengthening co-operation between the companies. Einar K. Guðfinnsson, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, confirmed the agreement on that occasion. The signing took place in the premises of Matís-Prokaria, Matís' biotechnology department, at Gylfaflöt 5 in Grafarvogur. The collaboration between Matís and Veiðimálastofnun will be mainly in the field of genetic research and aquaculture.

Matís – Prokaria showed on the same occasion a new sequencing machine, but the device can sequence large amounts of genetic material, for example for stem genetic analysis and in the search for interesting genes for new enzymes that can be used in the pharmaceutical, food and energy industries.

The collaboration has already begun and an extensive study is underway on the stock variability of Icelandic salmon and their movements in the sea around Iceland. This is part of an international research project on Atlantic salmon. Preliminary results indicate a large variability in salmon stocks in the rivers around the country. The goal of scientists is to be able to answer various questions by being able to trace the origin of salmon in the Atlantic Ocean to the year of origin or river system. This is a very ambitious goal as each country needs to do a lot of work both in sample collection and genetic analysis. Icelanders seem to have come a long way with work in this field and the aim is now to take the next step in the research related to sea salmon. The aim is to co-operate with the fishing fleet to collect samples from salmon that enter the vessels' fishing catch.

Most stocks of Atlantic salmon have declined sharply and are widely on the endangered species list. Very little is known about salmon seafaring and research has been based on traditional markings and research on ships at sea. In addition, research with electronic signals has recently begun in Iceland. This research that is currently being presented provides a stronger foundation for people's knowledge in this field. The collaboration between the companies will increase knowledge of the genetics and ecology of salmonids. This knowledge is then used in further research on the utilization and protection of the institutions for the benefit of the country and the nation.

Veiðimálastofnun has conducted stock genetic research on freshwater fish and Matís has conducted research and utilization of nature's genetic resources and has built up extensive knowledge and skills in genetic analysis of all kinds of organisms from the environment. Veiðimálastofnun and Matís will work closely together on research. These studies cover basic and practical research in natural and genetic sciences with a special emphasis on the stock genetics of salmon, trout and char. Such research is useful in fisheries management and in the development of fish farming and aquaculture.

Matís ohf is a public limited company owned by the state, which aims to strengthen international competitiveness and the development of Icelandic food production, promote the hygiene and safety of food and support the scientific activities of university institutions, innovation and start-ups, as well as fulfilling social obligations to individual industries.
Veiðimálastofnun is a research and service institution. The role of the Directorate of Fisheries is to study ecosystems in rivers and lakes, study fish stocks in freshwater, provide advice on fishing utilization and on the ecosystem and environment of rivers and lakes, for example in connection with construction, and maintain a database on natural habitats in freshwater.

The photo was taken at the signing of the contract.