
It is important to land catches on time

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It is important that the catch is landed in time so that it can be utilized better, because as soon as the fish is caught, it shrinks and loses freshness. This is the topic of discussion for Guðbjörg Heiða Guðmundsdóttir in her master's project, called Planning for maximum profit in the Icelandic cod industry, in the mechanical and industrial engineering department. Guðbjörg will give an open lecture on her project on 24 September.

After a fish has been caught, it shrinks on board fishing vessels and loses its freshness. This shrinkage reduces the processing capacity and utilization of the fish fillets. It is therefore important that the catch is landed in time so that it can be utilized better. Furthermore, that the processing is taken into account when planning the fishing industry so that the processing can process the fish immediately and bring it fresh to the market. A mathematical model that organizes fishing trips for fishing vessels and production in fish processing is presented. The operating profit of the processing and the fishing industry is maximized with regard to the reduction of the catch. Other factors in the optimization model are inventory status and processing flow.


The aim of the project is to design software that fisheries companies can use to assist in decision-making. The possibility of utilizing the model is demonstrated by applying the model to an Icelandic fisheries company. The effect of the length of fishing trips on shrinkage is investigated in addition to other factors.

Collaboration with Matís

Guðbjörg Heiða's project is carried out in collaboration with Matís and the project has been part of a larger project, Vinnsluspá þorskafla, which is funded by Rannís and AVS.

The project is carried out under the supervision of Pál Jensson, professor at the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Iceland and Sveinn Margeirsson, PhD student in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and head of department at Matís ohf. Examiner is Snjólfur Ólafsson, professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Iceland.

Place and time: Guðbjörg will give an open lecture on her project on September 24 at 12 noon in room 157 in VR-II in the building of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Hjarðarhagi 4.