Last February, Margrét Geirsdóttir, project manager at Matís, received an exciting invitation from KIMST (Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion) and KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science) to discuss full utilization at a conference in Seoul, Korea.
At the moment, better utilization of by-products in fish processing is on Koreans' minds, and there has been great interest in getting to know what has been done well elsewhere in the world. Margréti was invited to give a talk about various projects she has worked on at Matís that have turned to full utilization, especially on fish. Alexandra Leeper from Sjávarklasanum was also invited to the same trip and she told about what is happening in Iceland in this regard today and what has been done over the years to get to the place Iceland is at.
The conference was entitled 2024 International Zero Waste Fisheries Forum and was attended by about 200 people, many from Korean industry, universities and research institutes came to learn and compare their books.

During the trip, the Icelandic guests also got to visit an elegant fish market, but what caught their attention the most was that there it was possible to buy and enjoy their favorite skate, which was served with chili sauce and was considered the greatest delicacy.