
Morgunblaðið discusses the benefits of supercooling

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With so-called supercooling of fish fillets and fillet pieces, it is possible to significantly increase the shelf life of the fillets, improve their quality and get higher prices in foreign fish markets, according to Morgunblaðið today, 11 May. There is a discussion with Sigurjón Arason, department manager at Matís, about the benefits of supercooling. Matís has worked on the development of such a method with fish processing and the results are impressive, according to Morgunblaðið.

Sigurjón says that with supercooling, the temperature is kept well below zero degrees, as low as possible without the ice crystals that form in the fish flesh starting to damage themselves and reduce the quality of the fillets. "This is how we lower the temperature to minus 1 to minus 1.5 degrees," says Sigurjón.

He says: “Today, fish processing and the export of fish is nothing but the export of knowledge. To combine such knowledge, as we do, is the export of knowledge. To always be able to say that fish at this time of year, and of this or that fishing area, is not good enough to be exported as fresh fillets, is of course nothing more than knowledge. The handling on board the ships and the processing method on land is nothing but knowledge. Therefore, it can be said that the fishing industry has become a very technological knowledge industry today, "says Sigurjón in a conversation with Hjört Gíslason, journalist of Morgunblaðið.