
Next course: installation and maintenance of HACCP systems

Service Category:


The next course at Matís will take place on 11 and 12 October. and the starting point this time is Installation and maintenance of HACCP systems. The course takes place at Matís' premises at Vínlandsleið 12.

Focus group

Employees of food companies and especially those involved in the food safety of the companies


To provide those who work in some way with HACCP systems with a deeper understanding of the system's setup and how to maintain it. In addition, increase knowledge of the potential biological, chemical and physical hazards that may be lurking in the food environment and what effects they may have on their safety.

Course content

The prerequisites of the HACCP and how they support the risk analysis of food companies will be reviewed. The main biological, chemical and physical hazards that can affect product safety and how they are related to hazard analysis will also be discussed. The installation of HACCP will be thoroughly reviewed and practical examples of individual aspects of the installation of the system will be considered.

Course results

At the end of the course, participants should have gained an understanding of the structure of HACCP systems and what hazards are most commonly found in food and their environment and how those hazards can be managed.


The course will be in the form of lectures and practical exercises.

The course will be held on 11 and 12 October 2018
in Matís' premises from 9:00 to 16:00 both days

Main elements of the course:

  1. Introduction Discusses the development and structure of HACCP systems.
  2. Good practice (e. prerequisite program) Review the key aspects of good practice and how they relate to HACCP. Discuss how good practice directly affects the risk analysis of food companies.
  3. Dangers in food. The main hazards present in the raw materials and environment of food are discussed, as well as the risks associated with food processing and handling. Discuss how these dangers can be managed.
  4. Structure of HACCP. Review the structure of HACCP systems. Thoroughly review each step and how the system is then activated and maintained.
  5. Practical training. Emphasis is placed on participants receiving training in the design of HACCP systems. During the course, participants are divided into working groups or imaginary HACCP teams and the groups will work on short projects in connection with the topic discussed. At the end of the course, participants should have a good understanding of the installation of HACCP systems and be able to take an active part in their installation and even lead the work.

Included in the registration fee are all course materials, light refreshments and lunch on both days.

The maximum number of courses is 15 and the minimum participation is 10 people. If the minimum participation is not reached, the course will be canceled and those who have registered will receive a refund. If the course is canceled due to insufficient participation, Matís will send a notice to that effect with at least 48 hours. notice. Absences with a minimum of 48 hours must also be reported. reservation to receive a full refund of the registration fee. 

Most trade union education and retraining funds support participation in courses such as these. Find out from your union.