
Biotechnology students graduate from the University of Akureyri

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Recently, several students in resource science, with an emphasis on biotechnology, defended their dissertations at the University of Akureyri, but biotechnology is precisely one of the disciplines that could create significant income for the national economy in the future.

What these students have in common is that they have all enjoyed the guidance of Matís' employees. The students are:

  • Guðný Helga Kristjánsdóttir. The project "Measurements of astaxanthin and nutrients from wastewater chitosan processing". Worked in collaboration with Primex (closed project) - supervisor was Rannveig Björnsdóttir at Matís.
  • Hanna Rún Jóhannesdóttir. The project "The relationship between the purity of cattle on the foot and the microbial flora on the surface of the carcasses". Worked in collaboration with Norðlenski (closed project) - supervisor was Rannveig Björnsdóttir at Matís.
  • Guðrún Kristín Eiríksdóttir: The project "The effect of temperature on the expression of proteins in charr hearts. Analyzed by protein quantity analysis ". Worked in collaboration with Hólar University (open project) - supervisor was Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir at Matís.

For more information Hólmfríður and Rannveig at Matís.