
New Nordic cuisine - rediscovery of algae

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Algae are an important part of the diet of many in Asian countries. Their use in cooking, however, has not gained a foothold in the West except to a small extent.

Educational meeting of the association Food-history-culture in collaboration with Nýpuhyrna, Ólafsdalsfélagið and ReykjavíkurAkademíun

New Nordic cuisine - rediscovery of algae
On Thursday 28 April, Ole G. Mouritsen, Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, will give an open lecture on the use of algae in cooking.

Algae are an important part of the diet of many in Asian countries. Their use in cooking, however, has not gained a foothold in the West except to a small extent.

Algae can be excellent foods, tasty, full of important minerals, trace elements, vitamins, proteins, iodine and healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, algae contain plenty of fiber and, as a result, are low in calories. Algae will no doubt be a bigger part of our diet in the future. Equally important is that these "sea vegetables" can help us rejuvenate and balance our diet to counteract the increase in lifestyle-related diseases, especially cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and mental illness.

Ole G. Mouritsen is the author of books on culinary art and the science behind it. His research is related to a broad field of basic sciences and their application in biotechnology and biomedicine. He is a respected member of the Danish scientific community and has received numerous prestigious awards for his work.

The lecture will be in the hall of the Nordic House, basement,
 Thursday 28 April 2011 at 19:30.

Admission is free and open to everyone.

The lecture will be given in English.

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