
Recently published publication on research on seafood

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The book was recently published Seafood research from fish to dish- Qality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish, which contains a number of summaries (abstracts) from the 35th meeting of the WEFTA Association which took place in Antwerp, Belgium on 19-22. September 2005. IFL staff is somewhat involved in this big book.

It is published by the scientific publishing house Wageningen Academic Publishers in the Netherlands, which is growing rapidly or 567 pages. The book is divided into eight chapters of different lengths, which deal with issues such as the quality of farmed fish, the knowledge and expectations of consumers of marine products, the full utilization of marine catch, etc.

IFL's experts were the main or co - authors in the following presentations made at the conference: 

  • Capelin oil for human consumption  
  • Quality seafood 
  • Evaluation of antioxidant activities in by-product hydrolysates, fractionation and concentration of active molecules using separation technologies (ultra- and nanofiltartion technologies
  • Effect of catch location, season and quality defects on value of Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua) products  

IFL researchers have taken an active part in the collaboration WEFTA almost from the beginning. You can view the table of contents of the book at website Wageningen Academic Publishers and also order the book for those who are interested in acquiring it.