On April 26 and 27, the third and final MAKEathon of the Green Entrepreneurs of the Future project will take place, at Nesskóli in Neskaupstaður. MAKEathon Árskóli and Grunnskóli Bolungarvíkur have already done with great results. The MAKEathon project is an innovation competition that lasts for two days.
In this MAKEathoni, 24 students in 8th grade Viktoría Gilsdóttir participate. They work together in teams competing to solve a challenge that will be found during their visits to fisheries companies in the area. The challenge will be environmental and climate change. They try to create a kind of prototype, among other things in collaboration with FabLab Austurland under the guidance of Móses Helgi Halldórsson.
Since this autumn, students have been taught about climate change, sustainability and innovation, among other things. All GFF material will be made available after the project is completed.
The Green Entrepreneurs of the Future project started in schools in September 2021 and MAKEathonin is their final part. The national competition between the three schools will take place in May and its results will be announced in Innovation Week (at Matís' presentation on 20 May).
The television station N4 has been recording about the project all winter, so they will be filmed on site. The show will be shown on the television station this autumn and the project will be presented there.

Green Entrepreneurs of the Future is an educational project intended for the oldest grades of primary school. The aim is to educate students about the effects of climate change on the ocean and its ecosystem, sustainability and innovation in an innovative and fun way. The project is funded by the Climate Fund and is managed by Matís. Other participants are the three schools, FabLab workshops in each location, Cambridge University, Climate-KIC and the Deep Entrepreneurship Center.
For more information, please contact the project manager of the project: Justine@matis.is. Schools that want to participate are especially encouraged to get in touch.
(media can be contacted by phone: 762 0266).
Here you can follow the progress of the project:
- Website of the project
- The project's Instagram page
- #Graenirfromkvodlar